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Mech (machine mech)

Medium ,
Armor Class: 16
Hit Points: 27


18 +4


14 +2


16 +3


0 -5


0 -5


0 -5

Skills: Anchoring. The mech can use all of its movement during its turn to become anchored. While anchored, its base speed becomes 0 but it can still benefit from effects that increase speed. While anchored, the mech automatically fails Dexterity saving throws but has advantage on Strength saving throws. The mech is also immune to the prone condition while anchored. During its turn on subsequent turns, the mech can stop being anchored at any time, but it cannot move until the start of its next turn. Automaton. The mech doesn’t need to eat, drink, sleep, or breath, but it also cannot regain hit points by resting. The mech is also immune to any effect that would reduce its hit point maximum. The mech may, as a reaction to having the spell mending or similar magic cast upon it, regain 1d6 hit points plus another 1d6 for each level the spell was cast at. The mech cannot use this feature again until it finishes a long rest.   Cockpit. A creature that is one or more sizes smaller than the mech can fit inside the mech. A creature inside the mech while the mech is activated has full cover from attacks and effects from outside the mech. Air, water, and gasses can still seep into the mech, though. Before applying weaknesses/resistances/immunities, if there is at least one creature inside the mech, the mech takes half damage from cold, fire, lightning, necrotic, radiant, and thunder damage and each creature inside the mech takes the same amount of damage. If an attack that deals poison or psychic damage hits the mech, each creature inside takes the damage instead. A spell or effect that requires the mech to make an Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma saving throw has a random creature inside the mech make the save against the effect instead, with the creature making the save being subjected to the spell or effect instead.   Piloted. The mech is an inanimate object and must be activated by another creature to move or take actions, bonus actions, or reactions. The mech can only be activated by a creature that is two or less sizes smaller than it. That creature must use 15 feet of movement to enter the mech, after which the creature and the mech share the same space. The creature can then use its action to activate the mech. Once the mech is activated, the creature can use its action, bonus action, and/or reaction each turn to pilot the mech and have it perform any of the actions, bonus actions, and/or reactions it has available, as well as to have it move. The creature can also use its action to deactivate the mech. Once deactivated, the creature can leave the mech’s space by moving normally. If the mech used any of its movement during a turn, the creature piloting the mech cannot use any of its own movement during the same turn. If the mech is reduced to 0 hit points, the mech falls prone and deactivates, and excess damage is dealt to the creature piloting it. The mech cannot be reactivated until it regains at least half of its hit points, and the creature piloting it is prone until it leaves the mech.   Anytime the mech must make a choice while activated, the creature piloting the mech makes the choice instead. The mech uses the same senses as the creature piloting it when determining what it can see.

Machine Mech High-Tech Systems When you choose this personalization at 1st level, you build your mechs with incredible precision, using techniques for technologies far more advanced than anyone would have thought possible. When determining all of your mech’s statistics, each of your ability scores are considered to be 1 point higher than they normally would. For example, if you have a Charisma of 17, the mech treats that score as an 18 when determining its Constitution, hit points, etc. If you have a Dexterity of 11, the mech treats that as a 12 when determining its speed.   Enhanced Weaponry At 6th level, the innate weapons in the mech are upgraded to hit devastating force. Both the integrated weapons and the Arm Cannons deal an additional die of damage, and critical hits with them also deal an additional die of damage.   Massive Machine By 14th level, your constant improvements to your mech have allowed you to increase its size to massive proportions. When you gain this feature, and each time you rebuild your mech, you may choose to build it two sizes larger than your normal size instead of one. If you do, you double its height, width, and thickness, and multiply its weight by 8. Other mech stats that are based on size also change as well. In addition, the mech gains one additional Right Arm, Left Arm, Legs, and Body slot. However, the mech’s Dexterity score decreases by 2, to a minimum of 6. The mech can now only have creatures two or more sizes smaller than it enter it, instead of one. A creature must be three or less sizes smaller than the mech to activate it from inside the inside. When rebuilding your mech or building additional copies, building it at an increased size doubles the amount of time it takes to do so, and it costs 10 times as many gold pieces.   Remote Control At 20th level, you create a hand-held mechanical device infused with enough magic to allow it to control your mech from the outside. A creature no longer needs to enter the mech to activate it: instead, a creature within 300 feet of the mech and holding the remote may use an action to activate the mech. The remote has enough controls to use all of the mech’s modules and features, but requires the creature’s action each turn to continue moving and taking actions and bonus actions. The mech takes its own actions, bonus actions, and can move by itself so long as the creature with the remote is using its action each turn to tell the mech to do each of those things. The creature with the remote can still take its own bonus actions, reactions, and can move. The creature with the remote must be able to see the mech to be able to pilot it with the remote, and the creature must also be able to see any target or point for the mech to be able to choose that target or point for each of its attacks and features.   If a creature was piloting the mech from the inside when another creature begins piloting the mech with the remote, the creature inside the mech loses complete control of the mech and cannot deactivate it until the end of its next turn. The creature regains control of the mech if the creature with the remote stops piloting the mech.   If you have multiple mechs, you may only pilot one mech at a time, and each mech requires its own remote. Each additional remote requires 2 hours of time and 500gp to create. Each mech can have multiple remotes that it can be piloted with, but the mech still has the usual penalties for being piloted by creatures other than you even if the other creatures use the remote.


Scimitar: +6 to hit, 1d6 + 4 damage, finesse Arm Cannon. Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, range 60/180 ft., one target. Hit: 1d8 + 4 piercing damage. Hit or miss, if the mech isn't anchored, it must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or fall prone.

Damage immunities: Poison, psychic Condition ImmunitiesL Blinded, charmed, deafened, frightened, incapacitated, paralyzed, patrified, poisoned, stunned, unconscious   2 scmintars, one in each arm (integrated weapon)   MODULES:   Combat: Innate Shielding (left arm): Choose one of the mech’s arms. That arm can turn into a shield, which confers the standard +2 bonus to AC while equipped. This module can be chosen twice, incorporating the shield into the other arm the second time. If both shields are equipped, the mech has half cover from all attacks and effects.   Utility: Grappling Hook (right arm) Choose one of your mech’s arms. That arm can turn into a grappling hook attached to a metal chain, with a winch inside the arm. The hook can be launched up to 60 feet away from the mech, allowing it to climb up steep slopes and even vertical ascents. The mech’s climbing speed for a vertical ascent is 5 feet, or twice that for a steep slope. These speeds cannot be increased by other features. The mech does not need to be against a solid surface to pull itself up vertically. The hook must have something for it to catch on to be used to climb, as normal.   This module can be chosen twice, choosing the other arm the second time. If both hooks are being used, the climbing speeds are doubled.   Slots Required: 1 Right Arm OR 1 Left Arm

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