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Cursed Classes: Everything you need to transform cursed afflictions into compelling adventurers Ver. 1.6: Clippinger, Holmes, Langr, Etal, 2020

Floraspawn - Wood Woad


A dwarven woman stands in the middle of a field, arms outstretched soaking up the sunlight. Her companions wait as she performs this ritual and grows bark on her skin. Ever since she fell in the forest she's been bound to a creature of the woods.   An elf was meant to protect a grove but failed in their duty. They offer themselves to the druids to become a Woad as a penance. Now they roam the forest with club and shield in hand, ready to protect the grounds from anyone who would do them harm.   The halfling farmer wakes up in a field of mushrooms. Granted power through their spores, she now walks the world intent on defeating the evil that plagues it.   No matter what form a floraspawn takes they all act as an extension of the forest's power. Many floraspawns choose a life of adventure and even travel past the bounds of their woods.  

Nature Always Returns

The ancient power that lives within all floraspawns grants them the ability to come back from even the most deadly wounds. Through training and exposure to the elements, a floraspawn's skin grows tougher against attacks. Beneath this layer of protection is the body they once had. Many floraspawns lean into this shell and use it as both a layer of protection and a deadly weapon against their foes.  

Synthesis and the Means to Eternal Life

The change into a plant-like creature has many implications. While you start to change into something that is no longer considered the race you once were, you also gain a connection to the very essence of nature. With a steady supply of water, sun and soil, floraspawn grow more vital. Synthesis is the core of most of the floraspawn's powers and new sprouts should explore the variables of this newfound energy.  

Creating a Floraspawn

While creating a floraspawn, consider the elements that came together to create them in the first place. A background will help inform many of these decisions. A sage may have found an ancient ritual while an outlander could stumble into a grove and get changed by its denizens. What drove you to accept your new changes? Did you always have this connection to nature? Were you a person in the wrong place at the wrong time, or was this always your goal?   You should also decide how your stance has changed since you've started training your new form. Those who become floraspawns can feel the heart of nature itself flowing through them. This may change their perspective on deities and nature itself. Those that were adventurers before this may have a very different backstory from those that change while living daily life as a simple hunter or farmer.   The most common type of Wood woads are created through sacrifice. Generally the result of a ritual from certain druid circles, wood woads are only partially alive and exist to serve for specific tasks. The ritual used is meant to consume the creature's heart, creating a binding with a tree that will birth a newly sprouted woad from its roots.   However, there are legends that speak of wood woads who have not lost their hearts. They retain aspects of their former selves, memories, and passions from their past life. These creatures are known as Woad Warriors.   The Woad Warrior is a tireless defender, their connection to the forest itself has enriched them with knowledge of battle and the skills to protect those they choose. While the Woad Warrior is able to make their own choices on who they serve the forest holds a special place for them and they carry its roots woven into their thick armored bark.  
hit dice: 1d8
hit points at 1st level: 8 + CON Mod
hit points at higher levels: 1d8 + CON Mod per level after the 1st level
armor proficiencies: None
weapon proficiencies: All weapons must be made from natural materials; club greatclub, light hammer, quarterstaff, sling
saving throws: Constitution, Strength.
skills: Choose three from Survival, Nature, Investigation, Perception and Stealth.
starting equipment:
class features:

Way of the Wood

At 1st level, you determine what ritual or natural phenomenon has changed you.  

Natural Defense

Beginning at 1st level, the transformation into a living plant has mad your body more hardy and flexible. Your AC becomes 14 + your DEX Mod + Proficiency bonus.  

Thicket Theory

At 1st level, you gain proficiency with all martial weapons and shields. As an action, while holding a weapon in your hand, the metal within the weapon changes to petrified wood. After the weapon leaves your hand, it returns to the original metal it was made from. At 7th level, any weapon converted in this way counts as magical for overcoming resistances.  

Reinforced Natural Defense

Beginning at 1st level, your specific transformation has made you even more durable. Your AC becomes [14 + your DEX Modifier (+2 Max) + your proficiency bonus].  


At 2nd level, you have learned to enrich yourself through your connection to nature. You gain a pool of special temporary hit points. These special temporary hit points stack with other temporary hit point bonuses and can be recovered through communion with nature. Spending at least 1 minute within the sunlight, standing on solid earth or within water that has a depth of 3 feet or more begins to fill your temporary pool of hit points. Being subjected to any of these conditions give you 1 hour of special regeneration. This effect does not stack with itself.   Under this effect, your pool regains hit points at the start of your turn equal to half your floraspawn level + half of your CON bonus, to a minimum of 1 hit point per turn. If you maintain 1 hour of sythesis, you do not need to eat this day; if you maintain 4 hours of synthesis you no longer need to sleep within the next 24 hours. Synthesis fails to work on planes you are not used to. You must spend 7 days within a new plane before you learn how to invoke synthesis.   Some abilities connected to your hit point pool require your target to make a saving throw to resist their effects. The saving throw DC is calculated as follows:   Pool save DC = 8 + Proficiency bonus + CON Mod  

Petrified Bark

At 3rd level, as long as hit points remain in your pool, you gain resistance to all bludgeoning, piercing and slashing damage. This effect also extends to other creatures when affected by Blessing of the Mother.  

Ability Score Improvement

When you reach 4th, 8th, 10th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As usual, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature. Using the optional feats rule, you can forgo taking this feature to take a feat of your choice instead.  

Extra Attack

Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice instead of once, whever you take the attack action on your turn.  

Root Strider

At 7th level, you may use 10 feet of your movement to step magically into one living tree within 5 feet of you. You can then emerge from a second living tree within 60 feet of you that you can see. You appear in an unoccupied space within 5 feet of the second tree. Both trees must be large or bigger. As a bonus action, you may also use this ability to pass through your network of roots. You may appear anywhere along your root network as long as you pass through only connected squares. Once you use the ability to pass through your roots, your movement speed is reduced to 0 for that turn.  

Spread Roots

At 7th level, you have learned how to burrow your roots into the ground under your feet. As a bonus action while on solid ground, you take root as long as you are not standing on metal or stone that is more than 1 foot thick. You may spread your roots up to 20 feet in any direction from where you are standing and you may also spend hit points from your pool to increase the distance your roots travel, 5 hit points for every 10 feet further to a maximum of 60 feet. You may use this ability a number of times equal to your CON Mod and you regain all expended uses of it when you finish a long rest. While your roots are planted underground and you are standing in a square occupied by these roots, you cannot be knocked prone or pushed at any distance.  

Wood Walker

Starting at 7th level, you know your way through any forest or swamp. When traveling through forest or swamp terrains, you receive advtange on any Wisdome (Survival) checks. Difficult terrain in these areas does not slow you down and while in these types of terrain, your synthesis grows stronger. While in a forest or swamp, your pool regains hit points at the start of your turn equal to half your floraspawn level + your CON Mod to a minimum of 1 hit point per turn.  


At 9th level, when an attack cuts through your hearty bark, you retaliate in full. As a reaction , when your temporary hit points are reduced by a creature, you may choose to cause your bark to break away in a hail of splinters. You may either propel your bark at a single target up to 60 feet away or allow it to explode in a 5 foot area around you. Each creature affected must make a DEX saving throw against your Pool Save DC. A target takes half of your pool maximum in piercing damage on a failed save. You may use this ability a number of times equal to your CON Mod. You regain all expended uses after a long rest.  

Hungry Roots

Beginning at the 11th level, if you are exposed to a magical effect that restores hit points, you may instead add these hit points to your synthesis pool. When you use this effect, instead of normally rolling one more dice to restore hit points with a spell, you instead use the highest number possible for each die and restore that amount to your pool. Any amount over your pool is divided evenly and given to all creatures standing in a 5 foot area around you.  

Nature's Nourishment

At 14th level, while standing over your roots, your synthesis is bolstered. While you are standing over your roots, your pool now regains hit points at the start of your turn equal to half your Floraspawn level + double your CON Mod to a minimum of 1 hit point per turn. This effect only occurs when you are standing over your roots and ends if you do not start your turn over them.  

Blessing of the Mother

Starting at 15th level, you are able to infuse others with nature's blessing. as a bonus action, you can touch a creature and draw power from your synthesis pool to grant temporary hit points to that creature, up to half of your current pool. When a creature has these temporary hit points reduced to 0, you may use your reaction to bolster them with an additional supply of temporary hit points up to a maximum of your level.  

Stalwart Defender

At 18th level, when an ally is in danger, you may spread your roots and come to their aid. As a reaction, when an ally within 60 feet of you is the subject of an attack, after the roll has been made but before damage has been dealt, you may lay your roots in a line towards your ally and immediately travel through them to defend them. Your ally is moved to an unoccupied square within 5 feet and the attack now targets you. You have resistance to the damage dealt by the attack. This ability consumes 40 temporary hit points from your pool.  

Forest Tyrant

At 20th level, you have bound the spirit of nature to your body and have learned how to bolster yourself with ancient power. As an action, you turn into an avatar of the forest. You become a large size creature and your current sythesis pool hit points double in size. Your Strength and Constitution each increase by +6. Your maximum for these scores is now 26. All melee attacks you make have the "Siege" property, dealing double damage to objects and structures. While in Avatar form, your pool can no longer be restored, and you lose 20 temporary hit points from your pool. When your pool has been fully depleted, you revert back to your normal form. You can use this feature once per long rest.
subclass options:

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Statblock Type

Class Features
