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Essence of Fel - Pandora's Dying Gift

Wondrous Item

Legendary Fel, Chaos and Shadowflame. Requires Attunement

Pandora, daughter of The Mother, managed to transfer the Essence of her milenna of Fel Infusion into you before her death.

If you manage to contain and control the Chaotic Essence, you gain access to a number of abilities. Each of these abilities exert a price howerver:

  • Chaosbane: (Passive). You gain 4 extra spell slots per long rest, usable for Fel Magic based abilities. Use of these spells has a 15% (rolling 10-25% on a percentile dice) chance to incur 25% of the damage dealt back at the caster.
  • Demonsoul: (Passive). Fearing for thier lives. The Demons held within the essence of Fel grant a boon of 1d100 temporary hit points when they feel threatened. The DM will notify the player if the demons feel threatened.
  • Cycle of Hatred: (Passive). A former member of the Illidari is bound within The Essence of Fel, and as such, you are now proficient in the use of Warglaives. There is a small chance that this Illidari can exert his will over you however when using any warglaive.
  • Demonic Gateway: (Range: 20ft, 3rd-Level Spell). You may channel The Essence of Fel to construct a demonic gateway within range. You may choose a location up to 150ft away for its recieving gateway to be constructed. Anyone will then be able to pass through the gateway, teleporting from one gate to the other with no movement cost. The gate remains active for 1-hour.
  • Unending Resolve: (Legendary Action, Twice per Short Rest). The user may channel the demonic energy of the Essence of Fel into a barrier, reducing any attack against them by 75% of the incoming damage.

Cost: Priceless

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