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Schmitt V Smart Gun - Blauer Fluss



Pistol, Simple, Ranged, Loading, 9 mm, Light, One-Handed, Dual Wielding   Magazine Size: 12 (each D6 counts as one shot)   Special Actions:
  • Improved Burst Fire - Fire two shots as if they were one.
  • Trickshot - Designate a specific body part to hit and deal specific conditions to the target (must be held with both hands), difficulty is determined by the DM.
  • Dual Wield (requires another ranged weapon with dual wielding property and an action and bonus action) - Fire with both weapons at once, reduces your chance to hit, -5 to hit. Make two attack rolls, one for each weapon, to determine whether you hit. If dual-wielded, a relaod action affects only one of the weapons. The damage roll of the bonus attack will be made without your dexterity modifier.
  • Fast Reload - Uses a bonus action to fast reload (involves dropping the magazine to pick up later)
  • Reload - Uses a full action to reload without the loss of spare ammunition
Jamming: On a critical failure, roll a 1D12, if it lands on a 4 or less, the weapon is jammed and requires a full action to clear the jam.   The Schmitt V Smart Gun is a pistol that is imprinted on its holder. This way, the pistol can only be used by its rightful   For this to work, the holder implants a sensor in his preferred shouting hand. It was developed by Schmitt & Söhne, a German weapons manufacturer.   Blauer Fluss is variant developed for the mercenary company Blauer Fasan. It increases the reliable damage output and is the default armament of any new recruit. Nevertheless, it is liked by professionals as well.   Can be combined with a silencer.

Type Damage Damage Range
Simple Ranged 2d6 Piercing 45/90 m

Cost: 1.000.000 Eurodollar
Weight: 0,6 kg

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