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Lycan's Tears



Consumable, Ingested, Poison

Folklore the world over links this delicate flower to werecreatures. If you are afflicted with lycanthropy and survive Stage 3 of lycan's tears, you are immediately cured of the lycanthropy.

Ingested. This poison takes affect when ingested, either by applying it to food or drink, or by forcing it down a creatures mouth. A creature attempts a saving throw against the poison when it consumes the poison or food or drink treated with the poison.

Saving Throw. DC 17 Constitution

Onset. 10 minutes

Maximum Duration. 6 minutes

Stage 1. 12d6 poison damage (1 minute)

Stage 2. 16d6 poison damage (1 minute)

Stage 3. 20d6 poison damage (1 minute)

Cost: 160 gp

Created by

Lonely Djinn.

Statblock Type

