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Yulcots live in the north most regions of Albion and known for their staunch resilience and fierce strength in the face of adversity. Yulcots tend to be bigger and burlier then other humans with fair skin and freckles being a commonality. Their eyes are often blue with hair ranging from ginger and red to brown; its texture being either straight and wavy or curly and fluffy.
ability score increase: +1 to Strength, +1 to Constitution , +1 to ability score of your choice.
age: 80
alignment: neutral
Size: Medium
speed: 30ft
Languages: Common, Gaelish
parent race:
race features:
Yulcottish martial tradition  You gain proficiency in all Galaelish weapons, you use a short rest to give another character proficiency in a single Galaelish weapon of your choice.   Bravehearted You have advantage on affects that cause the frightened or charmed condition. Additionally, after you succeed on a saving throw against being charmed of frightened you can use your reaction to intimidate that creature. On a successful intimidation check the creature is frightened and knocked prone   YICTAN FOREVER!!! Once per short rest you can perform a harrowing speech to inspire your allies. You and any allies within 30 ft of you gain temporary hit points equal to your character level plus proficiency modifier and on the first round of combat all attacks are made with advantage.
Yulcots are one of if not the oldest race of humans on the island of Albion and part of the greater colic ethnic group. They are an ancient people who have stood to fight against invaders time and time again and time and time again they have driven them back. Even with the greater civilization bringing with it the Yulcots have maintained they largely insular and self-sufficient lifestyles. However, with new threats from all manner of sources; so a Yulcot may venture out of their communities to protect it from harm or perhaps win honour and glory for their clan or in the worst instance because they have been excommunicated from their community for a truly heinous act.   For whatever reason a Yulcot in an adventuring party is a reliable ally who will with you to the bitter end. However, if you wrong them in even the most minor of ways you will be faced with a tirade of verbal and somatic obscenities that transcend all languages both known and unknown. The intent of the message, however, is perfectly clear to the recipient.

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