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Young but Learned Majin are a young race compared to other races. This does not mean they are lesser than them by any means. It does give the race a sense of curiosity towards the world around them. Those that wonder the planes tend to sample food and drink, seek sights to see, and find answers to their questions. Their eagerness to learn has mead them excellent mages.   Astral Home The Primordial of Life Majuub, created a place within the Astral Plane to house the Majin. This mote of land in the Silver Void allows time to pass for anyone on it. It also protects Majins from those who wish to destroy them. Followers of evil Death Gods tend to attack Majin on sight as they are spawned from the Primordeal of Life. The Astral Plane protects them from this fate.   Primordeal Body Majin have a very unique body. They do not have the vital organs other creatures have and can reattach severed limbs without effort. This extends to reproduction as well. The process of reproduction involves two individuals taking a small section of their body and mixing with the section of another.   Life in Physical Form Majin are considered an asexual race. They often change their body to look what ever way they wish to look. This often means they will consume a large amount of food to both fuel the change and give enough mass to shape properly. This means Majin have no male or female names and instead use nuetral names, names they like the sound of, or names from other races.
ability score increase: Your Constitution score increases by 2, and your Intelligence is decreased by 2.
age: A Majin reaches adulthood at 20 years of age and can live close to three centuries.
alignment: Majin run the length of the Law and Chaos spectrum with leanings towards neutral and good alignments.
Size: Medium
speed: 30ft
Languages: Majin can speak Primordeal, common and one language of your choice.
race features:
Candy Beam A majin can tap into a mystical power and has found a use for it both in combat and in everyday life. When you kill a creature, you can spend a bonus action to turn that creature into a piece of candy of your choice. This candy remains edible for 24 hours, and heal for 1 hit point when eaten.   Head Tentacle/s Majin have a long, flexible tentacle that can be used to carry objects. They cannot wield weapons with their tentacle, but they can retrieve small, stowed objects carried on their persons as a bonus action.   Elastic Body Your unarmed attacks have a reach of 10ft. You cannot use weapons in this manner as their weight could knock you off balance or cause damage to your stretched limbs. You may use gauntlet like weapons or weapons meant to suppliment a punch/kick.     Regeneration A Majin can reattach severed limbs, and at first level you can expend your hit die as a bonus action to heal yourself. If you have no hit die to use this feature will not work.   Gum-like Body Your body is made entirely of a primordial gum-like substance and have no bones or internal organs. As such you can reduce the damage of incoming attacks by making your body softer. As a reaction to being hit with an attack that deals bludgeoning or force damage you can soften the blow and take half damage.

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