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Eugene Hillard

Small Half-Gnome, Cleric, Doctor, Lawful Good

Armor Class 13
Hit Points 25
Speed: 30 ft


( +0 )


( +1 )


( +0 )


( +2 )


( +5 )


( -1 )

Saving Throws Wisdom or Charisma

Knowledgable in History. A Veteran Doctor of Medicine. Perceptive.

Needed By the Many, Wanted by the Few (Doctor Background): Wherever you go, you will find your services in demand. You will always receive free food and lodging of Modest or Comfortable standard in any Inn or similar location in exchange for your services. Where you perform your services, local people will take a shine to you.

Herbalism Kit Proficiency

Damage Vulnerabilities Necrotic
Damage Resistances Acid, Poison & Psycic
Damage Immunities Radiant
Condition Immunities Charmed


Standard 5 senses but is somewhat far-sighted & wears specticals sometimes.

Languages Common, Gnomish, Elven, Dragonic
Proficiency Bonus +3


A small Gnomish man of recently discovered Nem Ember Bloodline who stands at 4'11.

Eugene has Green Eyes and Blonde Hair, though both rarely show due to his anxieties about his appearance. Light in skin colour, Eugene gets Freckles when left out in the Sun too long.

Due to his Germaphobia and Toxiphobia, Eugene can almost always be seen wearing Protective equipment such as the heavy, treated leather coat, gas mask, rubber boots and gloves that he wears.

Eugene's Hair is typically hidden by the protective hood and bowler-hat that he wears atop his head.

Eugene can sometimes be spotted wearing a pair of small, circular glasses whilest reading.

Character Page:

Eugene Hillard
Character | Mar 17, 2023


Tries to help everyone he can, Wants everone to get along


Loves his parents, Relies on his God, Thankful to those who help him.


Scared of Many Things, Faints when he sees blood

Spell Save DC: 16

Spellcasting Ability: +8

Spell Attack Bonus: +10

Life Domain Cleric

Healing Spells are more effective. Using a Healing Spell of level 1 or higher, the target creature gains a bonus 2 + (the spell's level) HP

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When Eugene heals via magic, the creatures wounds are being unwound to before they were hurt.

At will:


Mending (V, S, M)

Repair a small amount of damage in a non-magical item you are touching. 1 Minute Casting Time.

Spare the Dying (V, M)

Touch a Living creature with 0 Hit Points and they become Stable.

Thaumaturgy (V)

Manifest a Minor Wonder within 30ft of you. Amplify Sound, Alter Flames, cause Harmless Tremors, create a sound originating from a point of your choosing, move unlocked items or alter the appearance of your eyes for 1 minute. You can have up to 3 of these effects active at the same time if casted multiple times.

Guidance (V,S)

Touch one living creature, Once before the spell ends; the creature may roll a D4 and the result to an abillity check.

Life Domain Spells

Bless (V,S,M)

Lasts up to 1 Minute. 30ft of Range. Bless up to 3 creatures of your choice. Each Blessed creature can add a D4 to thier Attack and Saving throws until the spell ends.

Cure Wounds (V,S)

A creature you touch regains HP equal to 1D8 + Spellcasting Modifier.

Lesser Restoration (V,S)

A creature you touch can either end one desease or conditionaffecting it. The condition can be Blinded, Deafened, Obsessed, Paralysed or Poisoned.

Spiritual Weapon (V,S)

60ft Range. 1 Minute Duration. Create a specteral floating weapon within range that lasts until duration ends or spell is recast. You can make a mele spell attack against a creature within 5ft of the weapon. On hit the creature takes force damage equal to 1D8 + your spellcasting modifier. As a bonus action on your turn you may move the weapon up to 20ft and repeat the attack on any creature within 5ft of it. The Weapon takes the casters choice of appearance.

Channel Divinity: Preserve Life

Can be performed once per week. Restore any targeted creatures HP that are within 30ft of you by 5X your Current Cleric Level and divide them evenly between the selected creatures. This cannot restore more than 1/2 a creatures max HP.

Channel Divinity: Turn Undead

Can be performed once per day. All Undead that can See or Hear you within 30ft must make a Wisdom Saving Throw. If it fails it is turned for 1 Minute (10 turns) and must attempt to move as away from the caster as they can each turn. Turned Undead cannot enter within 30ft of the caster and cannot use reactions.

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Time Tape

Once per day, Eugene may save a moment in time. Eugene may then replay portions of that moment. Example: Saving the moment of a chair being thrown through a window, before then replaying it when someone is in front of the window.

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Edit the Script

If granted permission by The Goddess of Time; Eugene may change one detail about how a day transpires and wind himself back in time to the beginning of the day with prior knowledge of the day's events without that change. No-one else keeps this knowledge.

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Read forward a few chapters.

Eugene cannot cast this at will. Eugene will be subjugated to what The Goddess of Time thinks is the most important thing for him to know.

Mass Healing Word (V)

60ft Range. 1 bonus action casting time. Up to 6 chosen creatures within sight regain HP equal to 2D4+ Spellcasting modifier.

Dispel Magic (V,S)

120ft Range. 1 action cast time. Choose any one creature, object or magical effect within range. Any spell of 3rd level or lower on the target ends, for each spell of 4th level or higher on the target, make an ability check using your spell-casting ability. The DC = 10+ the spells level, ona success, the spell ends.

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Deus Ex Tempore

An attack that would typically Kill or Knock out Eugene, will fial to hit.

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Memento Cras

Eugene Dreams of the events of Tomorow, with some error and details missing.


Flail Wildly

Eugene panics and flails wildly. An enemy within 5ft takes 1d8 dmg.

Punch and Run

Eugene panics and instinctively punches the enemy before turning and sprinting away. Targeted enemy within 5ft takes 2 dmg and Eugene flees 15ft in the opposite direction.

Wind Watch

Eugene winds his watch nervously and stares at it blankly. If Eugene is aflicted with Fear, Obsession or Charm, those aflictions are now removed.



At the begining of Combat Eugene must roll a D8, if the D8 lands on an Even Number Eugene will faint. When Eugene faints a D4 must be rolled to determine how long he faints for. Eugene can be woken by being shook awake, taking damage, loud sounds, strong smells or bright lights.

When Eugene faints he is knocked prone, unable to perform actions and is awarded the lowest innitiative in combat.

Statblock Type

NPC Sheet
