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Ejre - Primevals

A Deep Darkness

This population has a remarkably close bond with nature and with the energies that permeate the Earthly World. This feature makes them foremost sentries against the sinister advance of darkness. They can clearly perceive the grip of Ènferun encroaching on reality, forcing them to become increasingly fierce and dedicated to their oath as sworn protectors of Rahidra, the last symbol of enduring primeval life.
ability score increase: Your Wisdom score increases by 1 and two other ability scores of your choice increase by 1.
age: The duration of their lives is the same as other humans, although before the Last Sun they lived more than a century thanks to the blessings bestowed by the energy of the Primes.
alignment: Primevals are mostly good, for almost the entire population is part of the Apostates of Rahidra, preserving customs and traditions and a strong bond with the faint light of the Primes, for which they are willing to fight strenuously; some of them tend towards neutrality, favoring what seems most right to them, regardless of their creed.
Size: Medium
speed: 30ft
Languages: You can speak, read, and write in Common, and you know how to read and write in Primordial Runic.
race features:
  • Long Step: Your speed increases to 40 feet, but only if you wear light armor or no armor.
  • Bond with Life: Thanks to your particular connection to the Primes, you have Advantage on Saving Throws against poison, petrification, and instant death effects.
  • Source of Innate Power: You know a cantrip chosen from the Druid's spell list (your spellcasting ability for this feature is Wisdom).
  • Tribal Culture: You are Proficient in two skills of your choice among Animal Handling, Nature, and Survival.
  • Savage Weapons Training: You are Proficient with axes, javelins, spears, and short bows; in your hands these weapons deal 1 additional damage.
The Primeval culture blends old customs and wild lifestyles. They often become warriors as ferocious as the large predators or powerful Masciari. Their appearance is similar to that of the Gray People, appearing as common humans, usually in clothes of skins, feathers, with beaded braids in their hair. Many of them tattoo their faces and hands as an apotropaic and ritual custom. The paints and pigments obtained from the earth, plants, and natural elements, are processed, and used as inks and are for them a symbol of oneness with nature.

Height is that of a human.

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