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Humans were not the first sentient species, but they were the first to be raised to sentience by the acts of a deity. In their case, Driyanda. The deity of flora cast their gaze across the surface of the world and saw the Chordat emerging from their desert burrows into the light of consciousness. While delighted, Driyanda desired companions more in tune with the forests and jungles into which they had poured their power. And so, a small primate, native to Rozhchul was chosen: one which spent some of its time in the trees of the Senrung Forest and some in the adjacent grasslands. Humans first encountered the Sarsostra after spreading out from their early forest homes toward the coast. Their lack of any sort of specialization has led humans to adapt to and settle in every region of Rozhchul and Ymfang. Moreover, while Driyanda is still the primary deity of the humans who remain on Rozhchul, anywhere humans encountered other races and other religions, conversion was commonplace.
ability score increase:
Size: Medium
speed: 30ft
Languages: Humani
Humans tend to grow to between five and six feet in height, with some outliers at each end of the spectrum. They have very little hair as compared to their ancestors, though there are randomly placed and inconsistent smatterings of it. They are not particularly strong, well-protected, or resilient. The main human advantage is adaptability. Their averageness is their only strength.

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