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Karmic Judgment

4-level Necromancy

Casting Time: 1 action
Range/Area: touch
Components: Verbal, Somatic
Duration: Instantaneous
You Enwreath your hand with psychic power and grab the face of a nearby creature. Upon grabbing their face, you force them to relive every sin they have committed from a victim's perspective.   Make a Melee Spell Attack towards a creature within reach. On a hit, you deal XdY psychic damage.
Where "X" is the target's CR/Level(minimum of 1) and "Y" is the target's Hit Die Type.
If the target creature has a wisdom of 18 or higher it must also make a wisdom save, taking only half the damage on a success.   Example 1: When used on a Stone Golem, CR 10 with 17d10 hit points, this spell will deal 10d10 psychic damage.   Example 2: When used on a Tarrasque, CR 30 with 33d20 hit points, this spell will deal 30d20 psychic damage.   Example 3: When used on a level 5 Cleric PC, d8 Hit die, this spell will deal 5d8 psychic damage.   yes, it must be the face. if the creature dosen't have one, deffer to the DM's judgement.
Available for: Cleric, Druid, Paladin, Warlock

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