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Captain Lambonosa

Type Medium Humanoid
HP: 60
Armor Class: 15
Speed: 30 ft.
Saves: Str 1d20+4 , Dex 1d20+5 , Wis 1d20+2
Skills: Athletics 1d20+4 , Deception 1d20+4
Senses: passive Perception 10
Challenge: 2 (450 XP)



Contains 6 charges that can be used to fire a modified version of the Magic Missile Spell. Regains 1d4+2 charges each dawn.   1 charge: Fire 3 magic missiles as a single dart dealing 1d12+3 force damage to a single target (120 ft.)   1 charge: Use bonus action to charge up your next shot before you pull the trigger.   If not proficient, (needs practice), firing causes 1d4 bludgeoning damage from recoil.   Contains a backup longsword in the stock of the gun  


Melee Attack: 1d20+5 , single target Hit: 1d8+3 slashing damage  

Flintlock Pistol

Ranged Attack: 1d20+5 , single target (20/60 ft) Hit: 1d10 piercing damage  

Layer Action

While aboard the Red Harpy and starting at the top of the 2nd round in initiative, Captain Lombonosa has the following layer action

Yo ho ho

Captain Lambonosa can take take a layer action to swing up to 60 ft. Captain Lambonosa must perform a DC 8 Acrobatics check to succeed or take 1d6 bludgeoning damage and fall short of his intended location. If he performs more than a DC18 Acrobatics check then he can also perform a flintlock pistol attack. 1d20+3

Languages Common, Dwarvish
Equipment Hexenjager, Longsword (Prudence), and a flintlock pistol (Jude)

15 (+2)16(3)14(+2)14(+2)11(+0)14(+2)

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