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The Traveler's Guide to Aellorah

Rite of Observation

3-level Divination

Ritual - does not require spell slot, takes 10 minutes longer
Casting Time: 10 minutes
Range/Area: Self
Components: Verbal, Material
Materials: a filled soulstone, a vial of your blood, and a personal item of the target
Duration: Concentration, 10 minutes

This rite allows you to send your spirit far beyond its normal range to locate the target creature and send you mental images of the target and their surroundings. Your spirit enters the Ethereal plane and teleports to the target creature and allows you to see scattered visuals, like a rapid flash of still images. Only visual information is conveyed through this ritual. You can make a Wisdom ability check with a DC of 20 minus the CR of the soul you used for this ritual (rounded up).

On a success, you can make out clear information regarding your target, able to discern the target's appearance, their surroundings and notable details of their location, and details regarding the target's current actions. On a failure, the images are too vague or irrelevant for you to make out useful information. You might see images that are blurred, or that are focusing on the wrong person, or even just images of the floor.

While observing the target, the spirit is visible to any creatures able to see into the Ethereal plane. Additionally, the spirit cannot defend itself if the target chooses to attack it, and is considered stunned for the duration of the spell. If the spirit is destroyed while observing, it receives twice the fade penalty. You can end the ritual early, but have a delayed response -- if the target notices your spirit and chooses to attack, they have a round of surprise against your spirit, and you roll initiative against the target. You can end the ritual on your turn in the initiative order.

This spell can only be performed as a ritual.

Available for: Soulbinder

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