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Alissen Rook

An elven investigator that mainly tackled cold cases long forgotten to the past. It was in her travels that she encountered the other members of the Crownless Hydra when folling a lead that uncovered a cultist plot devised by the Prismatic Enlightenment. Working together alongside the rest of the Hydra, she found a love for adventuring before settling alongside her companions in Niranvale. Eventually forming the Scaled Guard, she spends her days as Niranvales watchful eyes from the shadow, looking towards threats both in and outside the city, coffee flask in hand. Lawful Good Stats: 13, 20, 14, 18, 18, 14 Saving Throws: Str +1,Dex +11, Con +2, Intelligence +10, Intelligence

Skill Proficiencies Insight +8, Investigation +10, Perception +8, Stealth +13, Sleight of Hand +8, Passive Perception 18
Tool Proficiencies Thieves' Tools
Languages Common, Elven ,Draconic
Equipment Scimitar of Speed Dagger of Blindsight Crest Of The Scaled Guard Captian
Armor Of The Scaled Guard (Serpent Scale Mail) Flask of Boundless Coffee
Huntsmans Rucksack
20 Platinum,120 Gold,30 Silver
Lifestyle Work Focused


HP: 115
AC: 20
Darkvision 60 ft, Blindsense 30ft Sneak Attack-9d6(12d6 insightful fighting)/ 1per Turn Dark Vision 60ft,Blindsight 30ft Starlight Step- Bonus action 30ft teleport (6 per Day) Astral Fire- Dancing Lights Cantrip Fey Ancestry Feats- Moderatly Armored Sentinal Makes 3 Attacks Per turn (2 Scimitar,1 Dagger)
Scimitar(Shimmer): +14, 1d6+8 Slashing
Dagger(Sweep): +12, 1d4+6 Piercing Ear for Deceit
Eye for Detail Steady Eye Unearring Eye(4 per Day)
Uncanny Dodge Evasion
Reliable Talent

Suggested Characteristics

Astral Elf: 6'1,Blue Hair and Eyes,Smokey Grey Skin with Flecks of sliver freckles, a scar across the left cheek Wears a slim fitting belted duster,sporting the same blue and silver diamond pattern as the rest of the scaled guard. Upon closer inspection you realize this isnt leather like the other uniforms you seen, but each diamond made out of reinforced draconic scales. At her belt you see a Scimitar with a handle adorned by wings around the crossguard, while a dagger resting in a revered sheath on her right arm, just below her captains symbol emblazoned on her armors shoulder. Beneath that are loose but form fitting leather trousers tapering into a pair of soundless black leather boots.





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