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Jerimiah Nettles

Medium Cacturne Gunslinger 15 , Neutral Evil

Armor Class 17
Hit Points 170
Speed 30ft

20 +5
20 +5
18 +4
12 +1
10 0
16 +3

Saving Throws Dexterity +10, Charisma +8. Advantage on saving throws against charms and on Strength saving throws.
Skills Nature +5, Insight +5, Intimidation +10, Athletics +10 (Advantage), Deception +8
Damage Vulnerabilities Cold
Damage Resistances Necrotic
Damage Immunities Fire, Psychic
Senses Darkvision 60 ft
Languages Common


A cacturne equipped with a fancy mechanical left arm, Sheriff nettles enforces his version of the law over White Pines with a literal iron fist.


I seek wealth and power, both of which I've been promised in spades.


I only care about my family and my status.


I am susceptible to jeers at my expense.

At will: Thorn Whip

1/day: Earthbind, Spike Growth, Misty Step, Hunter's Mark

Water Absorb When Jerimiah takes damage from a water type attack, he takes no damage and instead heals for 1/4 the amount of damage that would have been dealt.   Desert Dweller Jerimiah is considered accustomed to the extreme conditions of deserts and is unaffected by difficult terrain composed of sand.   Critical Shot Jerimiah's firearm attacks score a critical hit on a roll of 18-20.   Poker Face Jerimiah has advantage on saving throws and ability checks to hide his motives, emotions, and thoughts.   Risk 6d10 risk dice, DC 18   Gut Shot When Jerimiah scores a critical hit against a creature, the target of the attack is incapacitated until the beginning of his next turn. Elementals, oozes, and undead are immune to this effect.   Evasion   Dire Gambit Jerimiah regains 1 expended risk die when he scores a critical hit.


Jerimiah makes 2 attacks with Ghost Killer, in place of each attack he can either choose to make 2 attacks with disadvantage; Alternatively, he may make 1 hail fire attack as an action. As a bonus action once per day, Jerimiah can fly into a gun rage, giving himself resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage and granting him an extra attack. This rage also halves his movement and gives him disadvantage on Dexterity checks and saving throws; The rage ends early if he ends it as a bonus action, takes cover, or ends his turn without attacking.   Ghost Killer +10 to hit, Range: 60/180, 2d10+5 Necrotic damage. The first time that Jerimiah exceeds a target's AC by 5 or more on a turn, the target takes an additional 1d10 damage.   Hail Fire Every creature in a 10 ft cube centered on a point Jerimiah chooses must succeed on a DC 18 Dexterity saving throw or take 2d10+5 Necrotic damage.


Cheat Death (1/day) When reduced to 0 hp, Jerimiah can expend a risk die to be reduced to an amount of hp equal to the roll of the die.


Legendary Actions

Jerimiah can take 2 legendary actions per turn from the list below.   Detect Jerimiah makes a Perception check.   Daka Daka Jerimiah makes a Ghost Killer attack.   Whip it Good Jerimiah casts Thorn whip at a target within range.

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