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Wu Xing Malas

Wondrous Item Rare (this item requires attunement)

This bracelet contains five beads, each composed of different materials: stone, metal, ice, wood, and molten rock. Each bead is marked as being stone, metal, water, wood, and fire, but only one mark is visible at a time. The visible mark shifts to the next after every long rest, but the wearer can shift the active bead to the next one by taking one hour to meditate, spending one Ki point in the process. Depending on the visible mark, the bearer gains some benefit:   Earth: You gain 60 feet of tremorsense. You may grant yourself the Earth Glide ability for one hour a single time, gaining the ability to pass through non-magical, unworked earth and stone without disturbing the material you pass through.   Metal: You are immune to poison. You cannot be pushed, pulled, or lifted against your will, as your body weight becomes ten times that of its normal amount without hindering your movement.   Water: You can breath underwater, and gain a swimming speed equal to your walking speed. You are difficult to perceive while completely submerged in water at a distance beyond 20 feet.   Wood: You can communicate with wooded plants as though affected by Speak with Plants spell. You may cast the Transport via Plants spell a single time.   Fire: You possess an aura of flame, which you can choose to have subside, that sheds 20 feet of bright light and an additional 20 feet of dim light beyond that. Creatures that start their turn adjacent to you or that attack you take 1d6 fire damage.

Weight: 1lb


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