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Kelson Darktreader

Medium half-elf , Neutral Good

Armor Class 18 (+1 mithral scale male)
Hit Points 72 (9d10 + 18)
Speed 30ft

17 +3
16 +3
14 +2
13 +1
16 +3
11 0

Saving Throws Dexterity +6, Wisdom +6
Skills Animal Handling +6, Athletics +6, Insight +6, History +4, Perception +6, Medicine +6, Nature +6, Stealth +6, Survival +6; mounts (land), herbalism kit
Senses low-light vision
Languages Common, Dwarvish, Elvish, Goblin, Orc
Challenge 5

Kelson is a 9th-level spellcaster that uses Wisdom as his magic ability (spell save DC 14). He has the following spells prepared: 1st Level (4 Slots)—cure wounds, hunter’s mark 2nd Level (3 Slots)—hunter’s veil, lesser restoration 3rd Level (2 Slots)—conjure barrage

Fey Ancestry. Kelson has advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic cannot put him to sleep.   Land’s Stride. Moving through nonmagical difficult terrain costs Kelson no extra movement.   Mobility. Any creature that makes an opportunity against Kelson has disadvantage on the attack roll.


Two-Weapon Fighting. To engage in two-weapon fighting, Kelson wields a longsword in his primary hand and a short sword in his off hand.   Melee Attack— Longsword "Mountain Stream" (+1). +7 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one creature). Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4) slashing damage.   Melee Attack— Shortsword "Tiger's Claw" (+1). +7 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one creature). Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) piercing damage.   Ranged— Longbow "Orcbane". +7 to hit (ranged 150/600 ft.; one creature). Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4) + 10(3d6) vs orcs piercing damage


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