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Glingil Holdindil

Medium Human Redeemed Cultist , Chaotic Neutral

Armor Class 17 (Splint)
Hit Points 59 hp (5d10+25) 5d10+25
Speed 30ft

20 +5
12 +1
16 +3
9 -1
16 +3
15 +2

Saving Throws Str + 8, Con + 6
Skills Deception +5, Religion +6, Athletics +11, Intimidation +5, Perception +6
Languages Common, Undercommon
Challenge 1


This bulky human in a black coat grabs his sword and dagger from his belt, holding them in a stance fitting of his duel weapons.

Identification: Tattoo of a green dragon with an arrow through its eye.
Age: 29
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Brown
Size: 6'1
Loot: 30 gp, traveler's clothes, cultist outfit, dagger, scroll of comprehend languages, pack of candles, longsword, splint armor


Faithful. While our cause may be righteous, the cult's leaders are corrupt: I seek to follow my god's plans. (any)


The cult leader made me kill my old friend during the initiation. I have not forgotten that and I want revenge.


I trance out and lose touch with reality. I am sometimes delusional or experience delirious states.

Action Surge (1/Rest). Glingil can give himself an extra action and bonus action on his turn.   Brawny. Glingil counts as one size category larger for the purpose of determining carrying capacity.   Improved Critical. Glingil's weapon attacks score a critical hit on a roll of 19-20.   Two-Weapon Fighting. While using two weapons, Glingil adds his ability modifier to the second attack's damage.


Multiattack. Glingil makes two attacks with his longsword, and one with his dagger.   Dagger. Melee Weapon Attack. +8, 1d4+5 piercing, 5 ft., Thrown 20-60 ft.   Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack. +8, 1d8/1d10+5 slashing, 5 ft.   Second Wind (1/Rest). Glingil can use a bonus action to restore 1d10+5 health to himself.


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