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Medium Half Goliath, Half Goblin Commander of the Cursed Blades of Jud , Chaotic Evil

Armor Class 15
Hit Points 125
Speed 40ft Swim: 10ft

20 +5
15 +2
18 +4
12 +1
12 +1
9 -1

Saving Throws Strength
Skills Has advantage when breaking free from being restrained and uses strength save against magical restraints.
Damage Vulnerabilities Fire
Damage Resistances Bludgeoning
Condition Immunities Frightened
Senses Darkvision 60ft
Languages Common, Goblin, Draconic
Challenge 7


The fearsome leader of the Cursed Blades of Jud, a disgraced regiment of the city of Jud consisting of lizardfolk, kobolds, and lizardfolk-Goliath hybrids. Yakozobi, is so strong that it is said he has ripped a tree from the ground and threw it while in a blinding rage. Not many survive his clutches uninjured, and close to none leave his presence alive.


War for death, death for gold, gold for glory.


The Black Hand


Never backs down from a challenge.

Triple Thwack - after attacking, the general may take a bonus action to attack again. This can be used once every other turn.   Powered - can be used while not powered. the general must take its action to conserve energy for his next turn. If attacked he must make a Con save DC 10 at advantage for each attack. If failed the general has failed in his attempt to power up. If the general succeeds all saves, he is considered ‘powered’. While powered, his Ac is boosted by 3, speed is boosted by 10, and gains an extra attack and stays powered for three turns   Shockwave - if the general is powered, he may pound the ground in some fashion sending a shockwave of force into the ground creating tremors. All creatures in a 10 ft radius must make a Dex Save of 15 and take 2d8 force damage and thrown back 10 ft on a failed save, or half as much with a success. The general is no longer powered.


Multiattack - Yakozobi attacks twice. Once with each hammer while one handed, Two while two handed   Dual Greathammers - +5 to hit.
1 handed - 1d8+5 bludgeoning
2 handed - 1d10+5 bludgeoning


Intimidation - when attacked Yakozobi May choose to roll a d20+5. If the roll is 13 or higher the incoming attack damage is halved and if the roll is or above 15 the attacker must make a will save, wisdom save, of 10. If failed the attacking creature is frightened of Yakozobi. Yakozobi may use this once every five turns.


Lair Actions

Rally - While Yakozobi is in battle and outnumbered, he may make a war cry. When the cry is made a number of lizardfolk will show up by his side with allies that outnumber his enemy, by one (if Yakozobi is outnumbered by three, four lizardfolk will show up. If Yakozobi is outnumbered by two, three lizardfolk will show up). This may be used only once a day and while there are sufficient allies around to help

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