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Small Thing , Chaotic Good

Armor Class 18
Hit Points 12hp
Speed 5ft Fly: 5ft Hover: 15ft Swim: 20ft

10 0
16 +3
11 0
12 +1
19 +4
9 -1

Saving Throws Dex +5, Con +7
Skills Perception +7, Intuition +13, Stealth +11
Damage Immunities Psychic
Condition Immunities Charmed, Frightened, Sleep
Senses Darkvision 120ft., Passive Perception +13, Empathic Sense 120ft.
Languages Telepathy 120ft.
Challenge 1/2


Deep in the Far Realms wander the Uvudaum, masters of the alien realm. With six grotesque arms serving as legs, humanoid arms, and long stretched out necks that end in crystalline spikes they are fearsome and powerful, and more evil than they already appear. Their motives are unknown, and so their experiments on any creature they can take hold of appear chaotic. One of these detestable craftsmen of the mad realm, the Apprentice, attempted to insert an Illithid tadpole into a Flumph. It is unknown what the intended result was, but the warped creature that resulted heard its creator's first word and took it as it's own name. No then asked what it was of it's creator, and the Uvudaum replied "Begone, thing."
And so No took upon itself the racial label of "Thing", and the first word its creator had uttered to it as its first name. The tendrils that extend from a normal Flumph can be observed to have grown suckers with barbs inside, and a hard beak has grown on the underside. The mouth became the opening for a large eye, and on four sides a similar large eye can be found. The eye-stalks receded entirely, and the top of the creature turned translucent and exposed the brain within. It requires feeding on brains, like the Illithid that bore its corruption. As a result of its transformation, it cannot emphatically feed on other creatures, though it can implant whole memories and personalities. Serving as a receptacle for a form of reincarnation if need be. It will still glow different colors as any Flumph will, and for the same reasons, but due to its originally psychic immunity to being the target of mind readings and emotional influence, it remains severed from the Elder Brain and continues to hold independence.
No was found some time ago by Neloroth on a journey through the Far Realm, a place Neloroth refuses to return to. No, however, continues to live there and has an item that Neloroth will use to hold telepathic conversations with it. They will often hold deep philosophical discussions this way. Together, the two have managed a map of sorts of the Far Realms. While unpredictable, they have found certain layers which hold stable in certain areas. Though they still have unpredictable elements, they serve as landmarks and anchors for the magical map.


Morality is not subject to change, though it may need to be set aside for the better outcome.


Neloroth is my friend, and by extension so are his allies.


My survival should come first, even if it costs another creature its life.

Suggested Environments

No can be found in the Far Realms, continuing to craft the magical map that Neloroth sent through by imbuing it with essence from stable layers.

Displacement: When entering combat, No is treated as displaced and appears to standing in a place near your actual location, causing any creature to have disadvantage on Attack rolls against it. If a creature successfully hits No, this effect ends and begins at the start of its next turn.
Stench Mist: No sprays out a nauseating gas in a 20 foot cone. The mist coats all creatures and objects within the area. Each creature that is within the area the mist is sprayed must make a Constitution saving throw against poison. On a failed save, the creature spends its action that turn retching and reeling. Creatures that don't need to breathe or are immune to poison automatically succeed on this saving throw. No cannot use this ability again until completing a short or long rest.


Tentacles. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. Hit: 2d6 + 3 bludgeoning damage. If the target is a creature, it is grappled (escape DC 16). Until this grapple ends, the target is restrained, and No can't use its tentacles on another target.
Devour Mind. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, touch range, one grappled target. The target must succeed on a DC 12 Strength saving throw or take 2d10 piercing damage. Also on a failure, roll3d6: If the total equals or exceeds the target's Intelligence score, that score is reduced to 0 and they are killed instantly. If the target is killed, No regains hit points equal to their Intelligence score.


Legendary Actions

No has one single Legendary Action point, and only one ability to use it with. It was a gift from Neloroth, and once used is gone forever. As such, No saves it for a moment it cannot be helped against.
Power Word: Disintegrate, Force, Kill
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 120ft.
Components: V
Duration: Variable
A hand crafted spell for self defense should it ever be necessary, Neloroth gifted a single casting of this to No as a way to protect a dear friend. No can choose two ways for this to affect the area around it.

  • A light green aura explodes out in 120 feet, centered on No. All hostile creatures within range must make a DC 24 Wisdom save. On a successful save, they take 200 points of force damage and are knocked prone, 120 feet away from No and 1d4 pieces of equipped items they have are disintegrated.
  • No creates a shimmering green barrier 120 feet long, 10 feet wide, and 60 feet tall. No living creatures can pass through this barrier, and any attempt to do so deals 100 points of force damage. Anything nonliving that comes into contact with this barrier is disintegrated immediately. This barrier can be held through concentration up to 10 minutes, and No can choose to ignore a concentration check by sacrificing 2hp. No can further extend this barrier for 1d6 rounds by sacrificing 4hp. If doing so drops No below 0hp, it can do so and ignore the limitations but will die when the barrier fails.

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