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Cloak of the Wings

Wondrous Item Rare (this item requires attunement)

While wearing this cloak and the wearer is attuned to it, the wearer can grab the edges of the cloak in order to gain a 20ft fly speed. If the wearer ever stops grasping the cloak in this manner, or the cloak stops being in bright light, the wearer loses this fly speed.   While wearing the cloak and the wearer is attuned to it, you can use your action to cast polymorph on yourself, transforming into one of three forms: an axebeak (MM page 317), an eagle (MM page 322), or a raven (MM page 335). While you are in one of the forms, you retain your Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores. This transformation lasts for five minutes or until the form loses all hit points. The cloak can't be used this way again until the next dawn.

Cost: 500gp Weight: 1lb


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