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Eskiel of Notchham

Medium Human necromancer of the North , Chaotic Neutral

Armor Class 16
Hit Points 53hp(5d8+15)
Speed 30ft Climb: 15ft

10 0
10 0
16 +3
20 +5
18 +4
16 +3

Saving Throws Intelligence, Wisdom
Skills Life drain: Every 3 dmg Eskiel of Notchham deals, he regains 1 Hp Soul drain:If eskiel touches a downed enemy, he can expend his action to suck out his soul, replenish his HP and trap the target in a bottle.
Damage Resistances Fire, Ice, lightning, force, bludgeoning, piercing damage from non-magical weapons
Damage Immunities Poison, acid
Condition Immunities Poisoned, frightened, paralyzed
Senses Passive perception 14, darkvision 90 ft.
Languages Common, Lichen
Challenge 5


Eskiel of Notchham is an old man with strange tattoos on his arms that glow up when he uses magic. His short grey hair and well trimmed beard show his cultured side, though it is only a facade for his chaotic necromancer impulses, serving Epnorustac, a great Higher One. he always wears a black cloak to conceal his appearance and often laughs histerically.




Necromancers of the North, arnjolf


He tends to madness and always believes to be superior to others

Suggested Environments

Village of Scoia'tel, Graveyards

Raise the dead (3/day,3 waves): Eskiel expends his action to summon a wave of undead that were buried in his vicinity (1 mile radius)

At will: Magic missile (lvl2) Flame weapon: Flaming sword is created that Eskiel uses as a melee weapon 1d10+3 fire damage

3/day: Crown of madness: make a wisdom DC 15 saving throw or be charmed for 1 minute (Warlocks are immune)

by Ehecod

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