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N'Hir's Restraint

Adventuring Gear -Whilst raging, you gain demonic features, allowing you to add your proficiency bonus to any Charisma (Intimidation) checks. -Whilst not raging, you may add your proficiency bonus to any check in regards to resisting mind altering effects. Legendary (this item requires attunement)

These two bracers come as a pair, yet could not look more different from each other. One is made from gleaming silver, golden engravings of flame encircling it. The other is made from a dull iron, a simple crescent shape etched on one side.   While attuned and worn, a variety of actions are available to you: -By speaking the command, word, the silver bracer will coat your arm in living, gleaming silver, conferring a +2 bonus to AC, as if you were wielding a shield, but still allows you to hold something in your hand. This effect lasts 1 minute, or until you end it as a bonus action. -You may, for a number of rolls equivalent to your Wisdom modifier per day, add your proficiency modifier to any roll you make to take the Help action.   These items also confer a bonus depending on whether or not you are raging, as part of the Barbarian class feature: -Whilst raging, you gain demonic features, allowing you to add your proficiency bonus to any Charisma (Intimidation) checks. -Whilst not raging, you may add your proficiency bonus to any check in regards to resisting mind altering effects.   Both bracers must be worn for any of these effects to take place.

Cost: Priceless, son.


Created by

Bernie Broig.

Statblock Type

