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Fix This

1-level Conjuration

Casting Time 1 action
Range Infinite
Duration Permanent
Components Verbal

You channel your inscrutable magic and willpower to fix a problem you are presented with. By speaking the simple phrase "fix this," you demand reality alter itself, though how exactly this happens is unpredictable. To guide the GM in how exactly the "fix" manifests, roll 1d100. A roll under 50 results in a "fix" that may not be the most beneficial to you or your allies. A roll above 50 grants a beneficial "fix" with no ill consequences. The spell has no school, as the effects will vary depending on the "fix."

GM Guidelines for Fixing

Fix This is, by intention, both identical to and also polar opposite of the spell Wish: where Wish is extremely powerful and extremely specific, Fix This is extremely powerful and extremely general. Fixes happen in unexpected ways, and are usually humorous in their manifestation. For example: if the party is faced with an uncrossable chasm, casting Fix This will not result in a bridge being built, but rather the ground snapping back into place to erase the chasm (or something similarly wacky.)

Class(es): Artificer

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Statblock Type

