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Kalarol Medtech Syringe

Scroll Varies Common

Each syringe contains Kalarol, enchanted with a magical spell. When injected, the spell from the syringe is cast, (using DC and attack bonus according to "spell scrolls") as though the you are the caster, requiring none of the usual verbal, somatic, or material components, and unable to be counterspelled. The spell contained can be identified by using the identify spell.   If the spell being cast is a cure wounds spell of 3rd level or lower, the spell is cast without difficulty, and no further checks are required.   If a different spell is used, the spell is cast but at a potentially great cost to you.   If the spell is a spell on your class' spell list, you may make a check using your spellcasting ability to avoid negative effects. Regardless of whether you know the spell or not, the DC for this check is DC 13+spellcasting level. If successful, you avoid the potential health effects of using the spell.   If you fail the spellcasting check or the spell is not normally on your class' spell list, make a constitution saving throw of DC 15+spell level. On a success, you gain 1 level of exhaustion plus one third of the spell's level, rounded down. On a failure, you gain (2 plus the spell's level) levels of exhaustion. These levels of exhaustion are applied at a rate of one level each six seconds until the user dies or the exhaustion levels are all applied.

Cost: Half the cost of the corresponding spell scroll


Spell LevelRaritySpell DCAttack Bonus
6thVery Rare17+9
7thVery Rare18+10
8thVery Rare18+10

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