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Player Crafted


Weapon Magical, Heavy, Reach, Two-Handed Very Rare (this item requires attunement)

"Frostbitten steel is forged into this halberd’s blade and flow with a Paladin’s divine powers. Blessed Flame is imbued into the head of the halberd. The chilling steel and the warming flame come at odds with each other, slowly shifting in power. The Blessed Flame will slowly enwreathe the edge of the blade in the daytime, while the cold and icy magic from the Frostbitten steel will seep into the head of the halberd during nighttime. A small grove is engraved into each side of the blade in Celestial, one side reading “The light in the darkness.” and “The shroud in the sunlight.” on the other.   Effects: +1 Halberd – Very Rare (4750gp, 48 days) – Attunement While attuned to this halberd, your Strength Score gains +3.
This halberd is in a never-ending cycle of time that betrays the workings of the world around it. A cycle works as follows: For 1 round it will be in dawn, for 4 it will be day, for 1 it will be dusk, and then for 4 it will be night, after which it will return to dawn. When you roll initiative, determine its progress through the cycle by rolling a d10, with the result being its place in the cycle. The halberd grants the following benefits depending on its place in the cycle:

  • Day. When you deal fire or radiant damage, you deal an additional 1d6 damage of the appropriate type. Additionally, any healing spells you cast with an instantaneous duration restore an additional 1d6 hit points to the target.
  • Night. This halberd deals an additional 1d6 cold damage on a hit. When you score a critical hit with this weapon, you deal an additional 2d6 cold damage and restore 2d6 hit points.
  • Dusk and Dawn. You deal an additional 1d4 cold damage and 1d4 radiant damage whenever you roll damage against a creature. Additionally, any healing spells you cast restore an additional 1d4 hit points, and if the spell was hardcast, you restore hit points to all allies within 10 feet of you equal to your proficiency bonus."

Type Damage Damage Range Properties
Martial Melee 1d10+1 Slashing Magical, Heavy, Reach, Two-Handed

Cost: 4750gp Weight: 6lb


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