Heated Body. A creature that touches the flame atronach or hits it with a melee attack while within 5 feet of it takes 5 (1d10) fire damage. Illumination. The flame atronach sheds bright light in a 10-foot radius and dim light for an additional 10 feet. Explode on Death. The flame atronach explodes in a sphere of flames upon its death, any creature within 10 feet of the flame atronach when it dies must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 2d10 fire damage or half as much on a successful save.
Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d4+3) slashing damage, plus 4 (1d6) fire damage. Fire Bolt. Ranged Spell Attack: +5 to hit, range 60/120., one target. Hit: 7 (1d10+3) fire damage.