Very Rare
Hlenhālr is an awe-inspiring weapon, its age and craftsmanship evident in every intricate detail. Its surface is golden-hued but with streaks of faint white that seem to shimmer like sunlight dancing on water. The length of the haft is engraved with sunburst motifs, each ray inlaid with minute etchings of Raskirithian scripture extolling Aurelis as the Eternal King. The haft is made of thisluen. At its head, a chain of ethereal brilliance extend, appearing to be forged from concentrated light itself but tangible to the touch. The chain ends in a massive spiked sphere, wrought from the same metal as the haft. The spheres are carved with countless intricate symbols of the sun, some glowing faintly as if alive, it almost seems to be moving. When swung, the flail emits a resonant hum, not of metal but of divine energy, like a choir of voices singing praises. The weapon's handle is wrapped in ancient, leather-like material rumored to be preserved Drow hide, soft to the touch but durable as stone. The pommel is capped with a sun-shaped ornament, crafted from some rare crystal that seems to capture and reflect the brilliance of the sun at all times. When wielded, the flail seems to draw light into itself, making even the dimmest chamber glow faintly. +2 to hit Add your wisdom and strength modifier when determining damage On a critical hit, the target creature is blinded on a DC20 Wisdom Save for 3 rounds Once per long rest, as an action, the wielder can invoke the Smite of Aurelis. The flail emits a beam of searing light upon a target creature. That creature must make a DC30 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, that creature takes 10d10 radiant damage and is blinded for 3 rounds. Damage: 1d12 Bludgeoning Damage + 1d12 Piercing Damage + 1d12 Radiant Damage + 1d12 Holy Damage + 10 True Damage
"Speak not of the Bereft as if they be deserving of pity, for their fate is just. Their flesh is brittle, their souls hollow, and neither shall ever return to the Tree. When they die, they are as dust scattered upon the wind—useless, purposeless, and unworthy of remembrance.
The faithful ascend to the Tree and strengthen the roots and branches. The Bereft? They rot in the nothingness, feeding nothing, nourishing nothing, serving nothing. Their essence is a blight, and the Tree suffereth no blight upon its roots. To treat them with anything but disdain is to question the very wisdom of Aurelis and the sanctity of the Sun. Cast them aside, for they are already lost."
- High Priest Ḧelfhāld of house Ḧunfel
Weight: 10lbs