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Homebrew; Mundane Magical Items

Warrior's Woad



A war paint made of blessed blue woad dye that grants the wearer’s skin enhanced durability. Warrior’s woad is typically applied during a special ritual by a priest or religious leader. Depending on which ritual marking is applied to the wearer, the wearer can gain one of a number of benefits:
  • Mark of Agility: The wearer’s armor class is increased by 4 when they are not wearing armor.
  • Mark of Fear: Enemy creatures that can see the wearer’s markings must make a DC 14 Charisma saving throw or be frightened of the wearer.
  • Mark of Defiance: The wearer gains resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage made by non-magical weapons.
  • Mark of Guile: The wearer gains advantage on saving throws against magical effects such as being charmed or polymorphed.
  • Mark of Courage: The wearer is unable to be frightened or surprised.
The effect of the warrior’s woad lasts for 12 hours or until the paint is removed through washing or other means.

A pot of thick blue indigo dye. It smells of pine needles and animal blood.

Cost: 9 silver stars
Weight: 2 lbs.

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