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Death Corp. Rifle



Firearm, Two-Handed, Magical, Concussive (P or B dmg), Ammunition (150/600), Reload (5 Shots),

Special: Collateral - The power of this rifle sends its bullets flying through its target. If another target is standing behind the first enemy, in-line with the bullet's trajectory, and the attack roll still beats the new target's AC, then that target also takes 1d12+1 damage. This trait only takes effect up to the first range increment (150ft).

This is the issued weapon to the sharpshooters of the Death Corp. of Beteroa. The stalwart defence against the subterranean hordes of monsters that seem to perpetually plague and try to invade their country. These rifles are custom made to be able to fire specialty rounds made by the Death Corp.

Type Damage Damage Range
Martial Ranged 1d12+1 Piercing 150/600ft

Weight: 10lb

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