Very Rare
Heavy, Two-Handed, Magical, Technology
Special: Bonus action - Rev Up.
As a bonus action you can try to start the sword with a DC15 Strength check. If successful, you and anyone within 15ft of you, not wearing adequate protection, are considered deafened for the duration the sword is running, and the noise emitted by the sword can be heard up to 100ft away. While running, the weapon deals 6d6+1 slashing damage, and deals 3d8 persistent bleed damage. Damage done to wooden structures is an automatic critical hit.
The brutal weapon favoured by the Wailing Banshees of Eulox. The scream this weapon emits, signifies imminent and bloody death to whomever stands before it. This hefty weapon is rarely used to its full potential by anyone other than a Banshee, requiring both brain and brawn to wield efficiently. You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. You must have a STR score of 15 or higher to wield this weapon without penalty. Attacks with this weapon deal 1 persistent bleed damage (DC15 flat check to end). To understand how to turn this weapon on and make it run for prolonged periods of use one must be taught, a lesson taking about 10 minutes if the teacher is proficient with this weapon also. Alternatively, one can spend 1 hour studying the mechanisms alone and attempt an INT check (DC16) to learn how it works.
Type | Damage | Damage | Range |
Martial Melee | 2d6+1 / 6d6+1 | Slashing | 15/100ft |
Weight: 12lb