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Umbraen CR: 5

Medium magical beast, neutral
Armor Class: 16 (natural armor)
Hit Points: 85 [10d8+40]
Speed: 40 ft., 60 ft. in darkness ft


16 +3


18 +4


18 +4


11 +0


16 +3


10 +0

Skills: Stealth +10, Perception +7, Survival +7
Senses: Darkvision 120 ft., Passive Perception 17
Languages: Telepathic communication within 30 feet (only to bonded companions)
Challenge Rating: 5 ( 1800 XP)

Shadow Step (Recharge 4-6). In dim light or darkness, the Umbraen can teleport up to 60 feet to an unoccupied space it can see, appearing from any shadow. This movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity.   Hide in Shadows. The Umbraen can hide as a bonus action when in dim light or darkness, making itself invisible. It can also suppress its glowing rosettes, rendering its fur completely ink black. While hidden in this way, it has advantage on Stealth checks.   Keen Senses. The Umbraen has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight, hearing, or smell.   Lunar Recharge. When under the light of the moon, the Umbraen regains 1d6 hit points at the start of its turn.   Pack Tactics (Bonded Pair). The Umbraen gains advantage on attack rolls when an allied creature within 5 feet of the target is another Umbraen or its bonded companion.   Aura of Shadows. All light sources within 10 feet of the Umbraen are dimmed, reducing bright light to dim light and dim light to darkness.


Multiattack. The Umbraen makes two attacks: one with its claws and one with its bite.   Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 12 (2d6 + 3) piercing damage.   Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 14 (2d8 + 3) slashing damage.   Moonlight Glow (Recharge 5-6). The Umbraen’s glowing rosettes flare with magical energy. It can either restore 2d10 hit points to itself or an ally within 30 feet or deal 2d10 radiant damage to an enemy within 30 feet.


Shadow Dodge. When a creature the Umbraen can see attacks it, the Umbraen can use its reaction to impose disadvantage on the attack roll if it is in dim light or darkness.

Legendary Actions

(Optional for an Elite Umbraen)
Shadow Strike. The Umbraen moves up to 30 feet without provoking attacks of opportunity and makes one claw attack.   Lunar Flare (Costs 2 Actions). The Umbraen’s rosettes glow brightly, casting faerie fire in a 20-foot radius.   Phase Through Shadows (Costs 3 Actions). The Umbraen teleports up to 120 feet to a point it can see in darkness or dim light.

Usual Tactics

The Umbraen are highly intelligent and stealthy predators, and their tactics reflect their natural abilities and connection to the shadows. They prefer ambush-style combat, relying on surprise, terrain advantage, and their ability to hide and strike from darkness.  

Preferred Tactics

  1. Ambush Predator Tactics
  • Stealth Approach: Umbraen rarely engage head-on unless absolutely necessary. They will use their Hide in Shadows trait to remain hidden in darkness or dim light. By suppressing their glowing rosettes, they can appear as nothing but shadow, stalking their prey or enemy unnoticed.
  • Shadow Step: If they need to close the distance without being seen, the Umbraen will use Shadow Step to teleport from one shadow to another, appearing behind or flanking their opponent. This allows them to bypass defenses or cover large distances quickly, often catching their targets off-guard.
  • Multiattack from Darkness: Once they are in position, the Umbraen will attack using its Multiattack ability (bite and claws), often striking from stealth to gain the advantage on attack rolls. Their ability to move silently means they can stay hidden until the last moment, striking with deadly force.
2. Hit-and-Run Tactics
  • Evasion: The Umbraen rely on Shadow Dodge to avoid getting hit. They will move in for a quick, lethal strike and then retreat into the shadows, using their Hide in Shadows ability to disappear from sight. By constantly darting in and out of combat, they frustrate and wear down their opponents, making it difficult for enemies to land a hit.
  • Pack Tactics (If with Allies): When in the company of other Umbraen or a bonded companion, they will employ Pack Tactics to overwhelm a single target. They will position themselves in flanking or surrounding formations to gain advantage on their attack rolls, making them even deadlier when fighting as a group.
3. Use of Terrain
  • Control of Light: The Umbraen will seek to control the battlefield by using their Aura of Shadows to dim light sources around them. By plunging the area into dim light or darkness, they tilt the odds in their favor, as their abilities thrive in the dark.
  • High Ground and Concealment: They will often use high ground, like tree branches or rocky outcroppings, to stalk prey from above. They might also lead enemies into terrain where the shadows are densest, making it easier for them to hide and harder for their foes to see them.
4. Defensive Tactics
  • Moonlight Glow: When pressed or in danger of serious injury, the Umbraen may use their Moonlight Glow to heal themselves or allies. This ability also provides radiant damage against enemies, allowing them to turn the tide in a fight.
  • Lunar Recharge: If an encounter is taking place under moonlight, the Umbraen will take advantage of its Lunar Recharge, ensuring that it can remain in battle longer while gradually healing.
  • Shadow Dodge and Teleportation: When attacked, the Umbraen’s Shadow Dodge gives them a means of protecting themselves by imposing disadvantage on enemy attacks. They can also use Shadow Step to teleport out of dangerous situations, escaping to a safer position to regroup or prepare another ambush.
5. Combat Retreat
  • Disengage and Escape: If a battle starts to turn against them, Umbraen will not hesitate to retreat. Using their Shadow Step or Hide in Shadows, they will escape into the darkness and flee to safety. They are more interested in survival than prolonged conflict and will return to fight another day if necessary.

In Group or Boss-Level Encounters

  Pack Dynamics:
  • When multiple Umbraen are present, they will often coordinate attacks, surrounding their prey and using Pack Tactics to wear them down with coordinated strikes from all directions. Their ability to move between shadows allows them to quickly reposition, creating a constant threat from all angles.
Elite/Boss Umbraen:
  • If fighting an elite Umbraen (with Legendary Actions), the creature will dominate the battlefield with its control over shadows and teleportation. It may use Lunar Flare to disorient enemies with faerie fire, marking them for easier targeting, and use Phase Through Shadows to constantly shift its position, making it incredibly difficult to pin down.
  • It will also leverage Shadow Strike, using hit-and-run tactics to wear down foes, while ensuring it remains out of reach or in control of the lighting in the environment.

Summary of Tactics

The Umbraen's primary tactics revolve around stealth, ambush, and controlling the environment. They strike from the shadows, evade counterattacks, and retreat before an enemy has time to respond. In group encounters, they use their numbers and coordination to overwhelm foes. Their ability to disappear into the darkness, heal under moonlight, and launch precision attacks makes them dangerous adversaries, especially in night or low-light environments.

Umbraen are mystical, shadowy predators, creatures of both stealth and power. Their glowing rosettes and ethereal presence make them feared and revered, while their connection to the god Umbra grants them the ability to move through shadows and defend their territory fiercely. Umbraen are rarely seen, as they can blend effortlessly into the darkness, leaving only glowing eyes and brief flashes of light in their wake.

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