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Beneath snow-capped peaks, where white drifts bury the chaos of rocks and streams, the formidable enkoh make cities of ice and snow. Well-adapted to colder climes, these thick-furred simian folk blend an innate skill for survival with a piercing intelligence, making homes in inhospitable environments.

Community and Craftsmanship

Enkoh have a transformative effect on their environment, domesticating beasts, curtailing avalanches, and building sprawling towns. With singular intent, enkoh collaborate to form a unified community capable of raising a city from the icy wastes in a matter of months. Their realms can be found within vast glaciers and snowfields, boasting soul-soothing hot springs and serving steaming winter cider fermented inside the trunks of hibernating trees. Few enkoh structures are ancient; the ephemeral nature of ice and slow creeping of glaciers means only those structures in the coldest, flattest expanses are over a few hundred years old. This transient nature leads enkoh to value their kith and kin—their troop—over any single location, and has made them masters of ice-crafting. With saw and skin, enkoh cut and melt ice just enough so that it forms solid bonds upon re-freezing. This method produces edifices of fantastical shapes; indeed, enkoh architecture is widely regarded as some of the most beautiful in the Yokai Realms by the few foreign eyes to have seen it.

Troops of Solitude

Masters of ice-craft, enkoh guard their crafting secrets fiercely and rarely trade anything more than the essentials with other races. Though it is rare for an enkoh to leave their troop, the lure of master crafters specialising in metal and stone, as well as tales of verdant, sprawling landscapes not cloaked in ice, can lead some into lives of adventure. Fewer still return to their troop, but those that do are warmly welcomed and can expect a peaceful old age in return for sharing the wisdom of their travels.
ability score increase: Your Intelligence score increases by 2.
age: An enkoh reaches maturity at 15 years of age and can live up to 80 years.
Size: Medium
Languages: You can speak, read, and write Common and one other language that you and your GM agree is appropriate for your character. (Torum is de spirit language)
sub races:

Springtail Enkoh

Vibrant, dynamic, and swift, springtail enkoh are the more sociable of their race. Their bonds of fellowship extend to the environment around them; they are masters of taming beasts of land and sky for both work and companionship. Rarely sitting still, springtails walk, speak, and trust quickly.
ability score increase: Your Dexterity score increases by 1.
age: An enkoh reaches maturity at 15 years of age and can live up to 80 years.
Size: Small
speed: Your walking speed is 35 feet, and you have a climbing speed equal to your walking speed. In addition, climbing on a creature larger than you doesn’t count as difficult terrain for you.
Languages: You can speak, read, and write Common and one other language that you and your GM agree is appropriate for your character. (Torum is de spirit language)
parent race: ]
race features:
Beast Wardens. You have advantage on ability checks to tame or influence Beasts.   Skillful. You gain proficiency in your choice of two of the following skills: Acrobatics, Animal Handling, Nature, Performance, or Survival.   Springing Leap. Your tail adds an incredible spring to your leaps. You can add your Dexterity score to the maximum distance you can cover with a long jump, and you can add your Dexterity modifier to the maximum height you can reach with a high jump. In addition, you can jump your maximum distance with or without a running start. As usual, each foot you jump costs 1 foot of movement.   Sturdy Tail. Your tail can support your weight and balance. When you make an ability check or saving throw to avoid being forcibly moved, you can use your reaction to curl your tail around an object within 5 feet of you that is attached to the ground or another sturdy surface. If you do so, you have advantage on that check or save.

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