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A sweet treat left untasted, a hot spring left undipped in, a warm fire left unshared–all considered tragedies by a people driven to indulge in all the comforts and curiosities Obojima has to offer. To the other peoples of the island, the amphibious nakudama seem to partake in all things with a sense of eagerness and excitement.

Nakudama tend to eschew enclaves for the more cosmo politan settlements scattered across the island. They are highly social. Patrons of tea houses, taverns, and inns are sure to hear the booming, croaking voices of nakudama mingling with crowds.


Did I Ever Tell You the Story About…

Life is too short to spend time on anything not worth recounting in an over-the-top tale later. Sharing and collect ing stories is among the most cherished nakudama tradi tions. It’s what motivates many nakudama to travel the island or frequent social gatherings. A quality story doesn’t just happen, however. Any nakudama will tell you it’s one part lived experience, and two parts showmanship, which includes creative license and allows for at least a bit of exag geration. The art can be practiced, but experience must be earned. Therefore, nakudama tend to venture out regularly in search of novel stories to share.  

Obojima’s Earliest Inhabitants (Perhaps)

Though the details have been lost to history or exagger ated over years of storytelling, it is generally believed that the nakudama were the first people to call Obojima home. Several sites around the island point to an ancient nakudama civilization, and many settlements appear to incorporate nakudama architecture, which is noteworthy for its water features.   Other evidence that suggests an earlier nakudama age comes from the tales, which are filled with the fantastical feats of a powerful nakudama queen. Though often overly dramatic in the portrayals, her exploits seem to line up with recent archaeological findings.
ability score increase: You may increase any ability score by 2, and another ability score by 1.
age: Young nakudama learn to walk and swim in shallow waters just a few weeks after birth. They reach adulthood by the age of 10 and live an average of 45 years.
Size: Small
speed: Your base walking speed is 25 feet and you have a swim speed of 30 feet.
Languages: You can speak, read, and write Common and Naku Naku.
race features:
Amphibious. You can breathe air and water.   Standing Leap. Your long jump is up to 20 feet and your high jump is up to 15 feet, with or without a running start.   Grasping Tongue. As a bonus action, you can target an object you can see that weighs less than 5 lbs and is up to 15 feet away and attempt to pull it to you. If the object isn’t being worn or carried you automatically succeed. If a creature is currently wearing or holding the object you must instead roll a contested strength check to determine whether you pull the item from their person.   Latching Tongue. As a bonus action, you can extend your tongue to latch onto a surface or creature that is larger than you and pull yourself towards the target. The target must be no further than 15 feet away from you.

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