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Human (2024 Edition)

Found throughout the multiverse, humans are as varied as they are numerous, and they endeavor to achieve as much as they can in the years they are given. Their ambition and resourcefulness are commended, respected, and feared on many worlds.
ability score increase: None
age: Human Age
alignment: Neutral
Size: Medium
speed: Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Languages: You can speak, read, and write Common
race features:
Resourceful You gain Heroic Inspiration whenever you finish a Long Rest. Heroic Inspiration

Heroic Inspiration

If you (a player character) have Heroic Inspiration, you can expend it to reroll any die immediately after rolling it, and you must use the new roll.   If you gain Heroic Inspiration but already have it, it’s lost unless you give it to a player character who lacks it.
  Skillful You gain proficiency in one skill of your choice.   Versatile You gain an Origin feat of your choice.   Alert


Origin Feat   You gain the following benefits.   Initiative Proficiency. When you roll Initiative, you can add your Proficiency Bonus to the roll.   Initiative Swap. Immediately after you roll Initiative, you can swap your Initiative with the Initiative of one willing ally in the same combat. You can’t make this swap if you or the ally has the Incapacitated condition.
Magic Initiate

Magic Initiate

Origin Feat   You gain the following benefits.   Two Cantrips. You learn two cantrips of your choice from the Cleric, Druid, or Wizard spell list. Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma is your spellcasting ability for this feat’s spells (choose when you select this feat).   Level 1 Spell. Choose a level 1 spell from the same list you selected for this feat’s cantrips. You always have that spell prepared. You can cast it once without a spell slot, and you regain the ability to cast it in that way when you finish a Long Rest. You can also cast the spell using any spell slots you have.   Spell Change. Whenever you gain a new level, you can replace one of the spells you chose for this feat with a different spell of the same level from the chosen spell list.   Repeatable. You can take this feat more than once, but you must choose a different spell list each time.
Savage Attacker

Savage Attacker

Origin Feat   You’ve trained to deal particularly damaging strikes. Once per turn when you hit a target with a weapon, you can roll the weapon’s damage dice twice and use either roll against the target.


Origin Feat   You gain proficiency in any combination of three skills or tools of your choice.   Repeatable. You can take this feat more than once.
Humans are as diverse in appearance as the people of Earth, and they have many gods. Scholars dispute the origin of humanity, but one of the earliest known human gatherings is said to have occurred in Sigil, the torus-shaped city at the center of the multiverse and the place where the Common language was born. From there, humans could have spread to every part of the multiverse, bringing the City of Doors’ cosmopolitanism with them.

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