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World of Aloth

Aegis of Enduring Triumph

Armor (Medium)

Legendary Requires Attunement

The Aegis of Enduring Triumph is a beautifully crafted breastplate which has been worn by the many kings of Kredaria, lastly by King Constantine “The Steadfast” during Dürthang. After the fall of creation of the Trugarian Empire, the breastplate was given to the High Captain of theTrugarian Military, but was "retired" after Tristan wore it in the Tru Betrayal. The plate is made from dark steel with silver details and has the Kreidar house symbol on its chest (A sword on fire).   You have a +1 bonus to AC while wearing this armor.   Resilient. All damage you take except for poison and psychic damage is reduced by 2.   Steadfast Resolve. While wearing the armor your mind becomes as steadfast as the armor. You gain advantage on saving throws against being charmed and frightened.   Victory At Any Cost. While in combat, you can as a bonus action utter the phrase “Victory at any cost” to sacrifice a part of your own vitality to bolster your chances. When you do, your hit point maximum is reduced by 25% of your hit point maximum and you gain temporary hit points equal to twice the hit points lost. The temporary hit points last for 1 minute and while you have them, you have advantage on all your attack rolls. When the temporary hit points are gone, you gain two levels of exhaustion. This ability can be used once per 1d6+1 days and your hit point maximum is restored after finishing a long rest.

Type AC STR Req. Stealth Dis.
Medium 15 No

Cost: 60 000 gp
Weight: 20lb

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