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The Grimoire of Ethob

Wondrous Item


The grimoire of Ethob contains the following spells;
  1st level: Ray of sickness, False life
  2nd level: Animate Ghoul, Crown of Madness
  3rd level: Summon Undead, Animate dead, Speak with dead
  4th level: Banishment
  5th level: Contact Other Plane
  7th level: Plane shift

Mildly damaged leatherbound book encrusted with five red gems on the front, connected by silver threading in a magic symbol.

This grimoire was the lost spellbook of a necromancer called Ethob the Fellwanderer.

Ethob was a Shadar-kai of some renown for his travels between the material plane, shadowfell and the plane of death.
His travels between the different dimensions and planes over time withered his body away, presumably until it was only dust.

This is an early grimoire from his travels that he had lost in the shadowfell and it has through arcane means and trade found its way to the library of Ascanaleer.

The book exclusively contains the encrypted guidelines to Ethobs magic style and primary spells at the time. There are no notes of his actual travels, except for a short, shaky and near illegible sentence in the margin near the last page; "I can no longer hold or write a quill- My skin absorbs ink as if it was parchment"

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