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Buzzcutter Axe



  • Blades
  • Haft
  • Grip
  • Motor
  •   Special Maneuvers
  • Backstrike - Flip the head around to strike for 3d4 AP IV Piercing Damage as an Attack. You can perform this maneuver again after making a successful normal attack.
  • Overhead Strike - Use both hands to drop the blades down on top of an opponent's head, bypassing all defenses and any shields, if worn. You can perform this maneuver again after making a successful normal attack.
  • Sawblade Special - Squeeze the motorcycle handle on the Buzzcutter Axe to rev the motor at a higher RPM as a Bonus Action. For your next successful attack, deal 5d4 AP V Slashing Damage. Struck targets make the saving throw vs. the Hemhorraging property with disadvantage. You can use this maneuver a number of times equal to your Proficiency Bonus per Long Rest.
  •   Special Properties:
  • Alarming - The motorized head of the buzzcutter axe makes an alarming amount of noise when it's in use, attracting attention from up to 90 feet away
  • Armor Piercing II
  • Cutting Tool - Can be used to salvage Vehicles or collect wood. Make survival checks with advantage when gathering wood material.
  • Frightening - Enemy targets of the wielder within 15 feet when the wielder reduces a target to 0 HP must make a Wisdom saving throw against a DC equal to 8 + Proficiency Bonus + Strength Bonus or be Frightened for 1 turn.
  • Hemhorraging - Targets struck by this weapon must make a Constitution saving throw against a DC equal to 8 + Proficiency Bonus + Strength Bonus or take 1d4 Bleed damage
  • Thrown - Max throwing distance equal to 15 + 5x Strength Modifier in feet or 3 Spaces + Strength Modifier in spaces
  •   Weight: 12   Handling: 1-handed

    A nasty weapon designed by Gearhead Raiders, this Exotic piece of equipment has the form of an axe, but instead of an axe head, atop its haft are counter-rotating sawblades with industrial diamond-tipped teeth that rip into flesh with frightening efficiency. It has a pressure-based motorcycle throttle that operates a two-stroke motor with a gurgle that belches black smoke and fire when it is used. It is said that the sound of the Buzzcutter Axe drives fear into those that face it.

    Type Damage Damage Range
    Martial Melee 3d4 Slashing 15 + 5x Strength Modifier in Feet

    Weight: 12lbs

    Created by


    Statblock Type

