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Drakaan Type 108 Heavy Arc Repeater

Adventuring Gear


  • Accessories
  • Capacitor
  • Focusing Array
  • Grip
  • Sight
  •   Capacitor Size: 60 (each D10 counts as one charge)   Fire Modes: 4d10 (Burst), 2d10 (Controlled Burst)   Cartridge: Arc Weapon Charges   Special Maneuvers
  • Arcing Shot - If a target is out of sight, designate a point in sight to make a burst attack. For each target within 20 feet of the designated point, deal 2x your proficiency bonus in Lightning damage.
  • Controlled Burst - Instead of firing 4 shots (4d10), fire 2 shots (2d10) with a +5 bonus to hit.
  • Overcharged Shot - As a bonus action, amplify the power of your next attack with this weapon, converting it into a 60x5ft line attack that does 3d10 lightning damage to each of the targets in its area of effect. All targets must make a Dexterity saving throw against your Weapon DC = 8 + Proficiency Bonus + Ability Modifier (Whichever governs your weapon attacks). Successful saves take half damage. Any targets struck within the line will have Lightning arc to a nearby secondary target within 15 feet dealing your Proficiency Bonus in Lightning damage to the secondary targets. The attack itself consumes 20 arc charges when you do so. You may not use this maneuver again until after the end of your next turn.
  • Stabilized Burst - Before moving on your turn, make an attack with a +5 bonus to hit.
  •   Special Properties
  • Arc Lightning Chain - Lightning arcs from the weapon with an attack to a nearby target within 15 feet, dealing your Proficiency Bonus in unmitigated Lightning damage to the secondary target.
  • Electric Shock - Prevents affected targets from taking opportunity attacks until the start of your next turn.
  • Overheating - Firing more than 4 burst attacks in a row will cause the weapon to overheat and be unable to fire for one turn. Firing a controlled burst resets this counter.
  • Rechargeable - During a short rest, the power cells can be recharged to half. During a long rest, the power cells can be recharged fully.
  • Sundering II - Reduces mitigation power of Elemental Resistance mods by 2, deals guaranteed minimum of 2 damage per dice if resistances exceed the number rolled.
  •   Loading: Fast recharge (charge 20 shots) with a bonus action. Requires a full action to recharge completely.   Jamming: On a critical failure, roll a 1D12, if it lands on a 3 or less, the weapon is jammed and requires a bonus action (D&D5E) or an action point (PF2E) to clear the jam but also does 1d10 lightning damage to the wielder on the secondary fail   Handling: 2-handed,   Strength Requirement: 12

    The Type 108 Heavy Arc Repeater is one of the rarer weapons that the Drakaan field, but when they do, it is meant to lay down incredible amounts of suppressive fire. It is a pulsed electrolaser, meaning it fires short pulses that channel lightning down an ionized path that the laser creates. The weapon has some advanced guidance fins near its focusing array to aid in sending the lightning coursing down the channel. This particular weapon boasts more heatsinks than the other Arc weapons, along with a much larger capacitor, but the capacitor has to be worn on the back and connected via a power coupling to the electrolaser itself. Despite the heatsinks, sustained firing without shorter bursts in between will overheat the weapon.

    Type Damage Damage Range
    Martial Ranged 4d10 (Burst), 2d10 (Controlled Burst) / Proficiency Bonus in unmitigated Lightning damage to two secondary targets of your choice within 15 feet of one another Lightning 90/180

    Weight: 24 lbs

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