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Weapon Two-handed, Heavy Legendary (this item requires attunement) [requires attunement with a female creature]

This Greataxe has 12 rows of runes. When you attune to this weapon, your damage is the same of an ordinary Greataxe. By inscribing at least 3 lines of runes compatible with that of the weapon on the user's body, the weapon vibrates and resonates with the runic expression, gaining a +1 attack bonus. This bonus can increase to +2 with 6 rune lines, and to +3 with 9 rune tattoos.
When you finish copying the 12 magic lines in your body, the bearer can use Blessing to perform more attacks while performing a powerful attack. In damage roll of 4, hold the value and roll the damage dice again, adding the value to the total damage of the attack, as long as it is equal to 4.

  1. When resounding with a magic line, the carrier can add its Constitution modifier to the attack rolls, but not damage.
2. When resonating with two magic lines, the carrier can add 1d12 Wisdom saving throws while attuned to the weapon.
3. When resounding with three magic lines, the weapon receives a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls.
4. When resonating with four magic lines, the user begins to tolerate pain even more. With a bonus action, the user can receive 1d12 temporary hit points from the Blessing. The carrier can reuse this ability after a short or long rest.
5. By resonating with five magic lines, the carrier can use an action to disperse the Blessing energy through her body for 1 minute. Any creatures receive 1d6 energy damage if they start or end their turn within 5 feet of the user. The carrier can finish this effect anytime you want. While active, the ability prevents the other characteristics of the weapon from working except for the attack bonus and damage. It can only reuse this function after dawn.
6. When resounding with six magic lines, the attack bonus and weapon damage becomes +2.
7. When resounding with seven magic lines, the weapon deals 1d4 extra force damage. The carrier can add 1d12 to Charisma saving throws while attuned to the weapon.
8. When resounding with eight magic lines, the carrier adds +1 CA while wielding the weapon.
9. When resounding with nine magic lines, the attack bonus and weapon damage becomes +3.
10. When resounding with ten magic lines, the weapon will inflict 2d4 extra force damage instead of 1d4. The carrier can add 1d12 to Intelligence saving throws while attuned to the weapon.
11. When resounding with eleven magic lines, the carrier can use its reaction to add its Strength modifier to its Armor Class when it is targeted by a ranged spell attack.
12. When resounding with all rune sequences, the energy damage will explode on a 4, adding the value to the total damage everytime it rolls the result 4.

Type Damage Damage Range Properties
Martial Melee 1d12 Slashing 5 ft. Two-handed, Heavy


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Statblock Type

