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Maximus of the Goblin Legion CR: 8

Small humanoid(goblin), chaotic evil
Armor Class: 20 (Enhanced Breastplate)
Hit Points: 130hp (20d6+60)
Speed: 30 ft


17 +3


19 +4


16 +3


12 +1


16 +3


17 +3

Saving Throws: Dex +7, Wis +6, Cha +6
Skills: Athletics +6, Animal Handling +5, Intimidation +6, Perception +5
Damage Resistances: Fire, Weapon damage reduction 6
Senses: Darkvision 60ft, Passive Perception 15
Languages: Goblin, Orc
Challenge Rating: 8 ( 3,900 XP)
Proficiency Bonus: +3

  • Enhanced Breastplate: BPS reduction 3, Fire resistance, Flexible Structure
  • Heavy armor master
  • Enhanced Spear: +2 to hit and damage, Brutal, Charger(3 dice) Increased die code, Keen, Reach, Two handed. Gun blade
  • Magic Helmet: Blocks 1 critical hit, then flies off a number of feet equal to the damage taken, becoming unattuned.


Multiattack: 2 Gun Spear or Dug Rifle attacks, 1 can be wide shot or charging attack

  • Gun Spear: +8 to hit, 10ft reach, 11(1d10+5) Piercing and use a bullet to add 5(1d10) fire
  • Dug Rifle: 1 bullet, +9 to hit, 200/600ft, 1d12+6 piercing
  • Wide shot: 2 bullets 15ft cone, 22(4d10) bludgeoning, DC 16 dex for half. This damage can instead be added to a dug rifle attack on a single target.
  • Charging shot: 2 bullets. Fly forward 30ft and perform a charge attack. (+3-6 d6 dmg)

Bonus Actions

  • Dash
  • Hide
  • Reload: 6 shot cylinders, 6 cylinder bandileer(42 shots total)

Legendary Actions

3 legendary actions  

  • Anti-magic shot: 2 bullets, 100ft range, end one magical effect.
  • Disruptive shot: 2 bullets, DC 16 Thunderwave
  • Piercing Shot: 1 bullet, 100ft line, DC 16 dex, 2d12 piercing
  • Stab: Make 1 Gun spear attack

A green, long/eared goblin, wearing an undersized helmet and an oversized chest plate. He commands the legion from atop his trusty steed, Nut Crusher the Silver Squirrel, the biggest grey squirrel he could find.

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