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Sleeping Dragon (Awakened)

Armor Magical Shield Legendary (this item requires attunement) [Transmutation]

A blackened steel shield in the shape of a sleeping dragon curling its tail and head inward.   While wielding this shield, upon taking damage from a melee attack you may make a reaction to command the shield to defend you, upon doing so the attacker must make a Dc 13 Dexterity save or be bitten by the now animated shield taking 2d6 piercing damage and is now grappled.   You may also as a bonus action command the shield to animate. While animated the dragon can make a bite attack as a bonus action and may also hold an item up to 100 lbs. without affecting the wielder.   The person who is attuned to this item may speak through the mouth of the dragon while it is animated.

Type AC STR Req. Stealth Dis. Properties
None +5

Weight: 6 lb.


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Statblock Type

