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FFXIV Compendium

Rook Autoturret

Small construct, any
Armor Class: 12+PB
Hit Points: 5 + five times your class level (the turret has a number of Hit Dice [d6s] equal to your machinist level)
Speed: 5 ft , fly: 50 ft


8 -1


14 +2


10 +0


1 -5


3 -4


1 -5

Damage Immunities: poison, psychic
Condition Immunities: blinded, charmed, deafened, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned
Senses: passive Perception 12
Languages: understands the languages you speak


Root Stance (Requires Machinist Level 11). As an action the Rook Autoturret releases tripod legs into the ground rooting it in place. The turret now automatically fails all Dexterity saves and it's speed becomes 0 ft. The turret must use an action to retract its tripod legs and leave its stance. The Rook Autoturret doubles the proficiency bonus on its attack and damage rolls.


Muscle Stimulator (Requires Machinist Level 17). As an action, Rook Autoturret releases a field of stimulating energy around itself. Allied creatures within 20ft. of Rook Autoturret deal 2d6 bonus damage when they make a melee or ranged weapon attack for 1d4 rounds.


Auto-fire. Ranged Weapon Attack: your tech attack bonus to hit, Reach 60ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d6 + 2 + PB) piercing damage

Clockwork Companions come in all different shapes and sizes. The initial building of a Clockwork companion is free to complete for your class.
  Rook and Bishop Autoturret. The Autoturret series of clockwork companions are small metallic allies that move around via propellers. These machines come in a cylindrical chassis specialized in shooting (Rook) and a spherical chassis specialized in electrical shocks.

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