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"I have nine children, eight of them have names: Gluttony, Plague, Cancer, Rot, Gout, Lust, Rot, Hate; All but one have proper names, what shall i name my last one? Screw having a poor name, they shall be named Hope"   -Öllu of Akkala upon unleashing her new spell 21/1/A9-
ability score increase: See subraces
age: Biologically Immortal
alignment: Usually Evil or Chaotic Neutral
Size: Medium
speed: 30ft
Languages: See subrace
race features:
Cursed Undead: The god of death does not look upon your kind with favor, they will not take your soul to the afterlife, when you "die" you are doomed to roam within 30ft of your rotting corpse.   Balance between life and death: You must keep a balance of eating both Raw meat of sentient creatures and eating normal food, there will be a tracker in your class resources named "Humanity" it starts at 5, upon reaching 10 you will look completely like the subrace but you lose the abilities below this feature, upon reaching 0 you will look like a walking corpse and flesh will start peeling off, all your abilities below will get a +2 in return, additionally upon reaching 0 everytime you see a Corpse of any kind rotten or not you must roll a DC18 Wisdom save, if succeeded you manage to retain control of your urges, if failed you will start consuming the corpse. You are also completely immune to disease and Minor Curses   Knowledge of the Abyss: Certain spells have additional effects but you must experiment and discover them, you know the Cantrip Mending and are able to use it on Corpses.   Blessed/Cursed by Öllu: Although her spell was a failure your kind is useful to her, you get ignored by all creatures with the "Grafted" tag, you also do an extra 1d4 damage against them.

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