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Those humans descended from the Great Houses of the Dorns still live in the lands north of the Sea of Pelluria. Those who remain in the environs of their ruined cities live at the will of their conquerors and survive offff what sustenance they can grow, poach, or scrounge. Others huddle in subsistence communities on the vast stretches of hill country and tundra, leftft to lives of misery only occasionally interrupted by Shadow patrols and legates seeking provisions and tithes. Those who choose to run as outlaws, bearing illegal weapons and raiding supplies from the Izrador’s chosen, must always be on the move lest they be hunted down and slaughtered. Dornish people are big, even for humans, with broad shoulders and long limbs. They have pale skin and green or blue eyes that shine with great passion or rage from beneath their heavy brows. Their hair ranges from gold to red and was once worn long and bound with metal rings, each ring commemorating a battttle in which an individual had fought. Now many Dorns shave their heads as a symbol of shame at their defeat by the forces of Izrador. Dorns once wore painted leather coats, fur boots, and heavy woolen kilts and gowns with patttterns that marked their house allegiances. Now they are lucky to have dirty rags in which to wrap their hungry bodies.   The Dornish people once swore fealty to the old monarchs of the Great Houses. The nobles were fifiercely loyal to their people, who repaid that devotion by adhering to familial codes of honor in both social interactions and in battttle. In the days of old, death was seen as far preferable to dishonoring one’s clan; every action a Dorn undertook, whether repairing their farmstead’s wall or meeting a foe in battttle, was to reflect proudly on their clan’s monarch. But with the betrayal of the Night King Othaeron, Gregor Chander, and several other traitor princes, most Dorns are now loyal only to their own skins and swear fealty only to their stomachs. The shades of their ancestors, which traditional Dorns honor with altars, prayers, and sacrififices, would weep to see what has become of their once-great people. In the centuries since the Sarcosans came to Eredane, the Dorns have become excellent riders, though they still prefer to fifight on foot. Their weapons of choice were long spears and greatswords, though some chose to carry large battttleaxes. Today, Shadow patrols kill armed humans on sight, so the rare Dorns who go armed use whatever weapons are available.
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Size: Tiny
Languages: Язык Севера
parent race: Люди
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