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Arcana of the Ancients, Where the Machine Waits, The Ninth World (Hombrew), Luna Castellum (Homebrew)

Peerless CR: 5 (1,800 XP)

Medium construct (robot), neutral evil
Armor Class: 18 (synth chassis)
Hit Points: 110 ( 10d8+30 )
Speed: 30 ft


18 +4


11 +0


16 +3


12 +1


10 +0


14 +2

Damage Immunities: poison
Condition Immunities: blinded, charmed, deafened, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned
Senses: blindsight 60 ft., darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 13
Languages: telepathy 120 ft. (only with other machines), can quickly learn most verbal languages
Challenge Rating: 5 (1,800 XP)

Machine Focused. When Peerless uses Inveigle or Spawn New Instance, constructs and machines have disadvantage on their saves; all other creatures have advantage.   Magic Resistance. Peerless has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.   Magic Weapons. Peerless’s weapon attacks are treated as if magical.


Multiattack. Peerless uses Inveigle, Spawn New Instance (if available) and then makes two Scissor Hand attacks.   Scissor Hands. Melee Weapon Attack: 1d20+7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 9 ( 2d4+4 ) slashing damage.   Inveigle. One creature within 60 feet must succeed on a WIS saving throw or be charmed by Peerless for 1 hour or until Peerless does something harmful to them. The charmed creature is friendly and helpful to Peerless, but after the effect ends, they know that their inclinations were manipulated.   Spawn New Instance (Recharge 6). One creature chosen by Peerless within 30 feet that is currently or has previously succumbed to Inveigle must succeed on a CON saving throw or be infected with a machine disease called Peerless. While infected, the target can’t regain hit points, and its hit point maximum is reduced by 10 ( 3d6 ) every 24 hours. If the target is a living creature, during this period their biological parts are observed to be slowly replaced by machine components. If the disease reduces the target’s hit point maximum to 0, the target instantly transforms into another instance of Peerless. If the disease is halted before it goes to completion, a biological creature’s body rejects the artificial parts, and regains maximum hit points at the same rate they were lost.  

Malware. Any magic item the PC carries with the potential to host even a limited machine intelligence might be briefly infected with Peerless. It begins to speak as Peerless and work against the PC however it can for a day, after which the instance of Peerless, finding the item too small to hold it, erases itself.

Peerless is a machine creature that exists in multiple construct bodies, sometimes taking over other machines to duplicate more versions of itself, erasing any personality or goals that may have previous existed. All it cares about is spreading itself as far and wide as possible. It is Peerless.   Fearless Narcissist. Those have encountered instances of Peerless describe the construct as bloodthirsty, single-minded, and a bit unstable; each individual construct claims that it is Peerless, the source mind from which all others are made. Even newly converted machines and constructs say the same. This begs the question of where the originating intelligence of Peerless actually resides—maybe in a hidden ruin, as a consciousness in some nearby but unseen dimension, or as a mind distributed across every connected construct.   Prejudiced Against Flesh. An individual Peerless construct ignores biological creatures if there are constructs or machines to be interacted with. However, if there is no choice but to interact with a living creature, Peerless may establish verbal communication. In such cases, it comes across as over-the-top pompous and self-important, always refering to itself as Peerless. Although Peerless isn’t worried about risking any particular instance of itself in combat, it will forgo conflict in return for information about the location of other machines, especially mloxan. However, if a PC happens to be part machine, all bets are off, because Peerless will be keen to convert them. (Purely biological creatures may face the same issue, though only if Peerless is feeling experimental.)   Any given instance of Peerless has about a 5 percent chance to have a relic called a binding integrator 
BINDING INTEGRATOR Relic, very rare This metallic gauntlet-like device (with two extra fingers) must be worn to be activated. The wearer targets a construct that is standing on a solid surface within 60 feet. That construct must make a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw or be rooted to the spot for ten hours or until attacked. It cannot move or take any actions other than speak (if it has a language). A binding integrator has a depletion of 1 in 1d4.

Suggested Environments

Technological ruins, The Peerless Wheel (he is the custodian and tollkeeper of the Wheel)

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