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Darren Ernest Stevenson

Medium Human, Orion CEO, Neutral Evil

Armor Class 20
Hit Points 360
Speed: 50 ft


( +9 )


( +4 )


( +7 )


( +2 )


( +1 )


( +3 )

Saving Throws Strength and Constitution
  • Athletics
  • Intimidation
Damage Resistances Cold, Fire, Lightning, and magical bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage
Damage Immunities Non-magical bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage that aren't adamantine
Condition Immunities Frightened, poisoned, stunned, and paralyzed
Languages Common and Draconic
Challenge Rating 12
Proficiency Bonus +4


Darren Ernest Stevenson was Thomas Agon's rival since adolescence. He was always competing against Agon, wanting to be the better of the two. This rivalry soon became a constant battle and journey for power. At age 25, while Agon was climbing up the Orion Corporation's corporate ladder, Stevenson found himself a small but diligent group of artificers. He paid the artificers great sums of money that he gathered from an Orion shipment. His primary goal was to become the strongest man in the world, using the power of Magitech.   Nearly 15 years of constant training and modifications, Stevenson had more or less gone past his mortal human shell. His blood was full of magical energy and his bones ended up gaining the properties that could match adamantine. His team of artificers had turned him into a walking apocalypse of magical technology. Using these newfound powers, him and his team would storm the HQ of the Orion Corporation in Artemis City. He violently overthrew the administration and made himself the new leader of the Orion Corporation. Now with more power than ever before, he has set his eyes on not just the Orion Corporation, but the entire continent.


The weak are hunted by the strong.


The Orion Corporation and his artificers


Drunk with power

  • Magic Skin: Thanks to years of artificer technology, Darren's skin has the ability to transmute itself in response to damage. All damage except psychic damage is reduced by 10 points. This ability is available as long as Stevenson has at least 25% of his health. This ability is disabled for a minute if Dispel Magic is casted on him.
  • Adamantine Bones: Darren's natural armor is considered to be adamantine and has immunity to critical strikes from any source that isn't an adamantine weapon.
  • Brutal Strikes: Darren's unarmed strikes are considered to be adamantine and as long as he has at least 25% health, they always do maximum damage. Creatures hit must make a DC-16 strength save or be shoved/knocked prone.
  • Regeneration: At the start of his turn, Stevenson regains 15 HP. This ability is disabled for a minute if Dispel Magic is casted on him.


  • Multiattack: Darren makes 2 unarmed strikes, one of which uses his bonus action.
  • Unarmed Strike: +13 to hit. 1D8+9 magical bludgeoning damage. Creatures can be forced to make a DC-16 strength save or be shoved/knocked prone.
  • Debris Throw: +8 to hit. 1D4+4 bludgeoning damage 80/200

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