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Compendium of Forgotten Secrets

Archival Spirit CR: 1/2

Tiny arcane construct, lawful good
Armor Class: 12
Hit Points: 3d4
Speed: 10 ft , fly: 60 ft , can hover


2 -4


15 +2


10 +0


16 +3


14 +2


6 -2

Saving Throws: Dexterity 1d20+4 , Intelligence 1d20+5
Skills: Arcana 1d20+5 , History 1d20+5 , Nature 1d20+5 , Religion 1d20+5 , Perception 1d20+4
Damage Vulnerabilities: Fire, Water, Piercing, Slashing
Damage Resistances: Bludgeoning, Air, Cold
Damage Immunities: Poison, Necrotic, and Psychic
Condition Immunities: Charmed, Frightened, Poisoned, Exhausted, Deafened, and Blinded
Languages: Can read, write, and understand all known languages- but can't speak except by unfolding itself and displaying information as text on its form
Challenge Rating: 1/2

Folding Figure. Archival Spirits can fold and unfold themselves into an origami figure of any shape or creature. Its statistics remain the same in any form.   Living Paper. While Archival Spirits remain motionless, they are indistinguishable from an ordinary origami figurine or pile of papers.   Seek Knowledge. Archival Spirits intuitively know the layout of its home Archive, and the location of all written works within it.   Perfect Record. Archival Spirits record everything they see, hear, or experience, and can display this information (along with any other knowledge they hold) in the form of text that appears on its unfolded form.   Magic Resistance. Archival Spirits have advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.


Silent Secret. Ranged Spell Attack: 1d20+3 to hit; The Archival Spirit targets one creature it can see within 10 feet of it that has a brain. The target takes 1d8+3 psychic damage and must succeed on a DC 13 Wisdom Saving Throw against this magic. On a failure, the target is unable to speak or cast spells that require verbal components until the start of the Archival spirit’s next turn.   Devour Intellect. Ranged Spell Attack: 1d20+3 to hit; The Archival Spirit targets one creature it can see within 10 feet of it that has a brain. The target must succeed on a DC 13 Intelligence Saving Throw against this magic or take 2d8+3 psychic damage. Also on a failure, 3d6 . If the total equals or exceeds the target’s Intelligence score, that score is reduced to 0 and the target is stunned until until the start of the Archival Spirit’s next turn.

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