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Queen Constanace Harper

Medium Human , Queen , Lawful Good

Armor Class 11
Hit Points 123/123
Speed: 30 ft Climb: -3 ft


( +0 )


( +1 )


( +3 )


( +2 )


( +4 )


( +4 )

Saving Throws STR + 0, DEX + 1, CON + 3 INT + 2 WIS + 9 CHA + 9 Saving Throw Modifiers
Languages Celestial, Common, Elvish
Challenge Rating 12
Proficiency Bonus +5


At will:
CAST AT WILL Guidance(Cantrip) Mending(Cantrip) Resistance(Cantrip) Spare the Dying(Cantrip) Thaumaturgy(Cantrip

CAST ONCE PER DAY Blade Barrier(6th) Create Undead(6th) Find the Path(6th) Forbiddance(6th) Harm(6th) Heal(6th) Heroes' Feast(6th) Planar Ally(6th) True Seeing(6th) Word of Recall(6th) Conjure Celestial(7th) Divine Word(7th) Etherealness(7th)Fire Storm(7th) Plane Shift(7th) Regenerate(7th) Resurrection(7th) Symbol(7th) Antimagic Field(8th) Control Weather(8th) Earthquake(8th) Holy Aura(8th)

CAST TWICE PER DAY Dispel Evil and Good(5th) Greater Restoration(5th) Legend Lore(5th) Mass Cure Wounds(5th) Raise Dead(5th)

CAST THRICE PER DAY Lesser Restoration(2nd) Spiritual Weapon(2nd) Zone of Truth(2nd) Beacon of Hope(3rd) Revivify(3rd) Sending(3rd)
CAST FOUR TIMES PER DAY Bless(1st) Command(1st) Cure Wounds(1st) Detect Magic(1st) Detect Poison and Disease(1st) Inflict Wounds(1st) Sanctuary(1st) Shield of Faith(1st)

CLASS FEATURES Cleric Features Spellcasting PHB, pg. 58 You can cast prepared cleric spells using WIS as your spellcasting modifier (Spell DC 17, Spell Attack +9) and prepared cleric spells as rituals if they have the ritual tag. You can use a holy symbol as a spellcasting focus.   Divine Domain PHB, pg. 58 You choose a divine domain that grants you additional spells and other features related to your deity.   Life Domain Bonus Proficiency PHB, pg. 60 You gain proficiency with heavy armor.   Disciple of Life PHB, pg. 60 Whenever you use a spell of 1st level or higher to restore HP, the creature regains additional HP equal to 2 + the spell’s level.   Channel Divinity PHB, pg. 58 You can channel divine energy to fuel magical effects a number of times per short rest   Channel Divinity: (No Action) Uses: Twice per Short Rest Channel Divinity: Turn Undead: 1 Action   Channel Divinity: Preserve Life PHB, pg. 60 As an action, you can restore 75 HP. Choose any creatures within 30 ft. of you, and divide those hit points among them. This feature can restore a creature to no more than half of its hit point maximum. You can’t use this feature on an undead or a construct.   Ability Score Improvement PHB, pg. 59 Ability Score Improvement Dexterity Score Strength Score   Destroy Undead CR 3 or Lower PHB, pg. 59 When an undead fails its saving throw against your Turn Undead feature, it is instantly destroyed if its CR is lower than the threshold for your level.   Blessed Healer PHB, pg. 60 When you cast a spell of 1st level or higher that restores HP to a creature other than you, you regain HP equal to 2 + the spell’s level.   Divine Strike 2d8 radiant dmg PHB, pg. 60 Once on each of your turns when you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can cause the attack to deal an extra 2d8 radiant damage.   Divine Intervention PHB, pg. 59 As an action, you can request your deity's aid and roll percentile dice. If your roll is equal to or less than 15, your deity intervenes (your DM chooses the nature of the intervention). If successful, you can't use this feature again for 7 days, otherwise, you can use it again after a long rest. At 20th level, your request succeeds automatically, no roll required. Once long rest
RACIAL TRAITS Languages BR, pg. 31 You can speak, read, and write Common and one extra language. Celestial   Ability Score Increase BR, pg. 31 Two different ability scores of your choice increase by 1. Wisdom Score Charisma Score   Skills BR, pg. 31 You gain proficiency in one skill of your choice. Persuasion   Feat BR, pg. 31 You gain one feat of your choice. Grappler
FEATS Grappler BR, pg. 167 You have advantage on attack rolls against a creature you are grappling. You can use your action to try to pin a creature grappled by you by making another grapple check. If you succeed, you and the creature are both restrained until the grapple ends.


ACTIONS • Attacks per Action: 1 Spells: Inflict Wounds, Dispel Evil and Good, Unarmed Strike   Actions in Combat: Attack, Cast a Spell, Dash, Disengage, Dodge, Grapple, Help, Hide, Improvise, Ready, Search, Shove, Use an Object   Channel Divinity: Preserve Life As an action, you can restore 75 HP. Choose any creatures within 30 ft. of you, and divide those hit points among them. This feature can restore a creature to no more than half of its hit point maximum. You can’t use this feature on an undead or a construct.   Channel Divinity: Turn Undead As an action, you present your holy symbol and speak a prayer censuring the undead. Each undead that can see or hear you within 30 feet of you must make a WIS saving throw (DC 17). If the creature fails its saving throw, it is turned for 1 minute or until it takes any damage. A turned creature must spend its turns trying to move as far away from you as it can, and it can’t willingly move to a space within 30 feet of you. It also can’t take reactions. For its action, it can use only the Dash action or try to escape from an effect that prevents it from moving. If there’s nowhere to move, the creature can use the Dodge action.   Divine Intervention As an action, you can request your deity's aid and roll percentile dice. If your roll is equal to or less than 15, your deity intervenes (your DM chooses the nature of the intervention). If successful, you can't use this feature again for 7 days, otherwise, you can use it again after a long rest. At 20th level, your request succeeds automatically, no roll required.     Grappling Pin You can use your action to try to pin a creature grappled by you by making another grapple check. If you succeed, you and the creature are both restrained until the grapple ends.     Unarmed Strike You can punch, kick, head-butt, or use a similar forceful blow and deal bludgeoning damage equal to 1 + STR modifier
BONUS ACTIONS Actions in Combat Two-Weapon Fighting Spells: Sanctuary(1st), Shield of Faith(1st), Spiritual Weapon(2nd), Spiritual Weapon


Actions in Combat: Opportunity Attack Other: Actions in Combat: Interact with an Object Spells: Mending(Cantrip) Legend Lore(5th) Raise Dead(5th)Forbiddance(6th) Heroes' Feast(6th) Conjure Celestial(7th)   Ritual Spells: Detect Magic(1st) Detect Poison and Disease(1st) Divination(4th) Forbiddance(6th)   Blessed Healer (No Action) When you cast a spell of 1st level or higher that restores HP to a creature other than you, you regain HP equal to 2 + the spell’s level.   Channel Divinity (Special) You can channel divine energy to fuel magical effects a number of times per short rest. twice per short rest

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