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GoTverse Werebirds are a race of Werebeast specific to the Game of Tomes universe (the GoTverse). Werebirds are made, not born, as their abilities rely on the Bird Totem's acceptance.
ability score increase: Your Intelligence score increases by 2, and your Dexterity score increases by 1.
age: Werebirds reach adulthood in their mid-teens and live roughly a century.
alignment: Werebirds are free spirits who value creative freedom, so they tend to the more chaotic aspects of life.
Size: Medium
speed: Your base walking speed is 25 feet, and, and, in Bird form, your base flying speed is 35 feet. In Half-Bird form, your base flying speed is 50 feet.
Languages: You can speak, read, and write Common and Avian.
race features:
Shapeshift. You can shapeshift between 3 forms: Humanoid, Half-Bird, and Bird. Shapeshifting takes one full action. After the 3rd shift without long rest, there is an increasing chance (25% per shift) that you are stuck in a form until long rest.   Aviation Ace. You have a natural sense of balance. You gain a +1 to any Dexterity (Acrobatics) check.   Flights of Fancy. You have a sense of grace and poise about you. You gain advantage on attempts to charm others.
Werebirds appear nearly indistinguishable from Humans in their Humanoid form, and commonly take on a near-perfect guise of an bird in Bird form. What is truly unique about Werebirds is their Half-Bird form, which is bipedal and looks much like an anthropomorphized bird.

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